I'm not sure what kalabasa is in english but i love kalabasa soup!!!! It's some sort of squash? It might be pumpkin?? Anyway it's creamy and delicious and i should really find time to look up how to make it so i stop spending so much money buying it at school
I also love miso soup (especially the kelp which i started craving a lot after my marine science prof did a lecture on seaweed ahuhuhu)
OH i just remembered!! Sinigang soup!!!!!!!! Aka my favorite thing about living in this country
))) it's just so great and also always perfect 18/10 we stan
If i think about it for too long I'll have too many soups to list down man soup is just so good??
I also love miso soup (especially the kelp which i started craving a lot after my marine science prof did a lecture on seaweed ahuhuhu)
OH i just remembered!! Sinigang soup!!!!!!!! Aka my favorite thing about living in this country
If i think about it for too long I'll have too many soups to list down man soup is just so good??