Pokémon What's your All-Time Favorite Pokemon?


Jan 23, 2014
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Rules: Only one Pokemon. Can be from any generation.

Extra Credit: The reason why it's your All Time Fave. Can be aesthetic, skill-based, nostalgia pick, etc. Let us know why it's your fave.

Double Extra Credit: One (1) good picture of the Pokemon.
probably slowpoke!

hes just really relatable and cute!
i just really want to hug him and laze about the house together​

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It's probably easy to tell, but my favorite Pok?mon is Chandelure. I caught a Litwick in my Y run because I liked its design and it became one of my best team members. Then once I got into competitive battling, I realized that Chandelure is a very effective special attacker. After using it for years, it has become my signature Pok?mon that I always try to incorporate into my teams.


Semi-good photo of the Chandelure plush I own.
Uhhhh hmmmm, this is really tough.
Maybe Drifloon? All the ghost Pokemon are so cute...
Luxray is my all-time favorite Pokemon. During one of Platinum playthroughs I decided to train a Shinx. I hadn't really paid mind to them prior, but decided I wanted to give it a shot. I'm beyond glad I did. My Luxy has become a staple of my Pokemon teams for about 7 years now. Just a well-designed and amazing Pokemon.


Runner up goes to either Empoleon or Crobat.


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I don't want to sound like an old head, but I've always loved Bulbasaur...that said, I'll pick Ivysaur. I like the mixture between the ferocity of Venusaur and the simple design of Bulbasaur.

My all-time favorite is Incineraor. I just find this Pokemon awesome (even if it's not beloved by everyone). I'm so happy that the rumors about him being in Smash became true. What I like about Incineroar the most is his design, for some reason, he looks like for me like a Crash Bandicoot character, lol. But yeah, I really like him.

Honorable mentions: Piplup, Purrloin and Jirachi.
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All-time favorite is Naganadel. I’ve been playing since generation four, but I was not really happy when dragons got pushed to the sidelines in generation six. Naganadel just looks cool, imo, and I like using it because it’s a dragon that can take care of fairies. :)
Alolan Raichu. Its design is absolutely amazing. If I had to pick an all time favourite though (Before Gen 7) then it would be Swampert since it was my first ever starter

Goodra. I adore Goodra. I originally started out grinding for a male Goomy to **** off the people who claim that Goodra should only be female, but the big guy grew on me. I know Goodra gets complaints for not looking like a dragon, but I just absolutely adore him. Now, he's a must catch for me on any game.
Vanillite. I loved his design as a kid and really liked him in general even now. I always try to catch a vanillite whenever I can in Pokemon games today. Ahh, the nostalgia.

my fave is Sylveon!

i just think its a really cute Pokemon, and paired with draining kiss and lv 60 its almost unstoppable lol
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I really like Alolan Marowak Jirachi and Whimsicott... and many more but I guess my No. 1 is Marowak.
My favorite Pokemon is definitely Eevee. Eevee is also my favorite Nintendo character, and if I could own any animal, real or fictional, it would be an Eevee.
Vulpix. ♥_♥

i have some sort of emotional connection with it, thats the reason it's my favorite. not because of design or anything. it's just something that clicked, and now my teams are never my team without my typhlo leading it!
My all time favorite and signature Pok?mon is by far Gardevoir. I love her shiny design and her shiny mega evolution even better. I love how she’s so elegant when it comes to battling. Every Pok?mon game I have has a shiny Gardevoir in them.