Pokémon What's your All-Time Favorite Pokemon?

Eevee. I've loved her for as long as I can remember and always sorta dreamed that if I was a beginning trainer my very first partner would be Eevee.
Meloetta for sure! I remember when I finally got one through trading in my Pok?mon Alpha Sapphire game. For the first few battles I sent her in just so I could admire her. Close second is Diancie, since her mega evolution is gorgeous
Well, my first Pokemon was Squirtle so I feel really loyal to it, but I also once had a Jirachi that I raised from like level 5 I think who I also loved. I have a few special Pokemon in each team in each game who I love just because I raised them from a low level and we won many battles together.
Umbreon always <3

Too lazy to post a picture but yeah if I can only pick one, yeah that 1.
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MY BABY MILOTIC, she's beauty she's grace she's an icon she's strong. like what's not to love, whatever annoying menthods they use for finding feebas will always be worth it because she's so amazing


also special shout out to gardevoir who is a very close second
My all time favourite would be Seviper~!
I love snakes, I've never had one but I just find them so interesting and it's why I liked the pokemon Sinnoh and Hoenn series cause Seviper was there. I also just love Seviper's design as well~
