The question's pretty straightforward. A post I made in another thread got me thinking about the variance of the AC community and how differently some of us approach the game.
Personally, I'm a cross between a roleplayer and a socializer. Though I always consider my initial villager an extension of myself, it isn't long before I'm adding in more characters with separate stories in mind. I also have a tendency to embellish villager personalities when I play so they don't just feel like skins of the same slightly different 6 RNG machines. Also, playing with people I know is a super important part of the game with me. TBH I don't think I'd be able to stick with Animal Crossing nearly as long without regular correspondence with friends. Oh, and I absolutely love visiting other islands and towns. It's one of my favorite parts of the game. Collecting is a fun and vital aspect of AC, but it's never been my chief priority. Same for decorating. Though I appreciate a gorgeous island or a filled museum, I'm entirely too scatterbrained to keep up with that kind of stuff.
Edit: Some of ya'll are thinking entirely too rigidly when it comes to these categories. I made it so you could pick more than one for a reason y'know... I also added in a "Casual" option since many of you are unique mold-breaking rebels, apparently .
I guess for me is like a mix of many things meaning that i have days which i feel super relax just hoarding on materials by going island hopping, I also love talking to my villagers but I specially like catching them when they are talking to other villagers cause many times they would say something personal about their lives like the other day i discovered Apollo the cranky Eagle likes sailing ! finding details like that i find marvelous, I try not to invent thing about my villagers but really like trying to get to know them while they are in my island they very seldom do say something real meaningful and personal so i find it a challenge sometimes. Then I also have days where i am stuck decorating my home/island or even terraforming my island point in which i ignore all else around me hahah.
The socializing part i wish i could indulge more into it, but in feel NH does not enhances online play apart from trades or turnip stalk market, which makes me super sad. I wish we at least had mini games like we had in Tortimers island in NL cause many times when i go to someones island i find myself getting nervous cause apart from running around and maybe buying stuff in shops there is nothing i can do there tbh so i tend to go real fast. I do send occasional random letters cause i love receiving letters from pp but thats my extend to the social aspect of it, maybe this aspect of NH will be upgraded and we can all hopefully do more things in each others island
I would say I'm a mix between a decorator and a roleplayer I guess? I'm not necessarily doing it to showcase an "impressive" island, but the designing and terraforming aspects of the game are probably those which appeal to me most and so I enjoy putting the time into them and getting a result that I like. And as for the roleplaying aspect I don't do it to a large extent but I do have specific ideas in mind when I do things/design people etc.
I do also complete my museum (but definitely not my catalog), and I played with friends back in the summer but not a lot of my irl friends play!
i don't have many people i play online with but i picked it because i do spend a lot of time with my sister on animal crossing and many other games, since i can't see her irl
also i like to decorate a lot, my island used to be basic until my sister said i had to redo the whole thing but better so i did lol
i do like collecting stuff too but not to the point of 100%
like i don't really need every piece of furniture or all nook miles achievements
but i do have every diy, complete museum and every villager amiibo i would want so i feel like i've completed it and that's enough ^-^
Hmmm, I think I'd fit most into a category called "Escapist" ?
Like I namely use ACNH to escape reality lmao.
Which is exactly what I used ACNL for as well (I haven't played any other titles besides these two).
I do also like trying to make things look nice, I guess, but more often than not I get frustrated because I'm not very good at it pfft.
The "Roleplay" category amazes me - I love seeing those super creative types with completely themed islands that tell stories. Always blew my mind in ACNL too. I'd never have the patience, but I'm so impressed and love to see those places!
Decorator, I'm a bit obsessed with decorating my island and caring about the details. I finished it in September but now to start of the new year, I already flattened big areas because I got inspiration online from other people and want to build new things
I'm a bit of a casual gamer, so naturally I picked #1, but can relate a little to #2. I'm far from perfect with decorating, but I will spend time building what looks good to me. After all, I have to live with it. While I am often a completionist in some games, I'm not dedicated enough to even want to complete the catalog. Completing the museum and maybe some of the Nook Miles Achievements are good enough.
I chose decorating and playing with friends/trading c: I find that those two define my playing style recently. Decorating and terraforming areas of my island brings me immense joy and it also brings me closer to completing my map :3
I am a roleplayer mostly, but there is a lot of showcasing decorations involved. Despite each player character having my IRL name, each one is unique and corresponds to each of the 4 seasons. The resort on the island has the 4 season motif that is based on the visuals when KK plays each Saturday. Thus, their houses/hotels only have seasonal themes, with the exception being the island rep/spring hotel that also has a room full of Celeste items. The more I play ACNH each season, the more each PC hotel will improve and give me incentive to continue playing. I might come up with a different RP theme but that might require starting out from scratch again, which would only be painful at this point.
I am more of a decorator in making an island that I find aesthetically pleasing. I can be a socializer at times when my friends and I have virtual hang outs / parties ever since the pandemic started.
In previous games I was more of a collector. Getting all furniture sets, gold tools etc. I used to always play as myself. Now I care much less about getting everything and only worry about certain items/diys that go with my island that I know I’ll probably use.
In new Horizons I suppose I’m more of a roleplayer, considering my 5 characters are all based off of Sailor Moon characters. I’m also a bit of a decorator to an extent like I made a really cool Sailor Moon themed outdoor stage as an example. I’ve been also meaning to decorate each character’s house with their likes and personalities in mind but I’m still trying to find motivation for that haha.
I must say it’s been really fun to be creative with the characters and theme. I used to get burnt out in the old games as I didn’t have any inspiration and decorating based on things I liked got boring quick. I much prefer trying to decorate to someone else’s tastes. In this case Sailor Moon characters.
Collector, roleplayer, and builder (thpugh my island is supposed to be personalized, not impressive)
Three of my characters are AC versions of existing OCs (and I'm VERY tempted to add another one), one is "me" but not really, and the last one was supposed to be a generic character just for running the tourist information, but I gave them the same name I used for plot resetting in NL and that will probably turn into a story too.
My main focus is talking to my villagers and completing tasks on my island, but I also like to collect and decorate. Although my island is about 70% complete, I chose the roleplay option because that's something I do on a weekly basis, whereas I only decorate every so often.
I'm more of a socializer with my sister who also plays the game. If you count our villagers as well, it definitely fits into that criteria. I really like to talk to my villagers even though many have gripes with the dialogue and I personally do not care about making a beautiful island. I didn't join the series to do all that but hey, you do you, so long as it makes you happy and not harming others.
I feel like there should be an "other" option there. Like others, I tend to be a mix of those options and they change frequently. Currently, I would say I'm none of those things. I casually play the game to just... Play my game. I don't roleplay, my island and house are garbage, I collect what I can but don't get hung up on what I can't, and my friends haven't played the game for months now. So... I really don't think I can pick any of those right now lol.
Honestly, I am all of those but I tried to pick two and I said decorator/roleplayer.
Theme and story just go hand-in-hand for my island. I also really like socializing but with strangers. My irl friends are kind of boring and I find magical internet people way more fun to play with.
Recently I have become mainly a decorator on my island, I love visiting dream addresses to get some great inspiration and then work on improving my island. It takes a lot of time and a large deal of trial and error, plus a large amount of IGB constantly moving buildings, but its a great satisfaction when a part of the island reaches a stage I'm happy with
I did pick role-player too as most of my villagers have been on my island a while now and over time I have found myself thinking about stories for them, especially when it comes to possible relationships/friendships between them.
I just play casually. Although I collect every DIY and have cataloged every item... except clothes, because it's just too much work. So I'm a completionist... sort of. I also enjoy decorating, but only to make my island presentable.