What's your Animal Crossing Playstyle?

Which categories do you fit in?

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im pretty casual most of the time. i cant really fit into the categories because like.... i dont really roleplay, i do like trading with people but im not great at socializing, i dont really want to put a lot of emphasis on making a super amazing island, and while i like collecting things im not actively wanting to collect thousands of items

i mainly use it as a daily thing, it gives me something to look forward to every day at the same time
With the options given, I'd say "collector", since I've been working hard towards things like completing my catalog (furniture + clothing), getting all the DIYs, getting all the Nook Miles achievements and so on. Otherwise I'm more or less just a casual player, lol.
I think none of these...
I am a casual. I play the game decorating my island, but I tend to left it in a natural style, I don't like over decorated island, flowers everywhere, custom designs in front of every house and so on.
I like those islands when I visit them, but I just do not want to make my island one of those. I built specific areas and so on, but nothing too articolate. To me, this is the best way to play Animal Crossing.

I voted the collector because that's basically the only goal I pursue in this game, but I do not spend time searching for missing recipes, fish, bugs or other collectibles. I just find them when I find them, no worries.
I'll probably try to get 'em all when the NH era will come to an end, like I did with New Leaf.
I also tend to write tons of letters to my friends, and I send them many gitfs because I like to take care of my friendships too. I also help them when they need something they don't have.
I'm a combination of all four.

I always come up with themes to base my Animal Crossing towns (or island in New Horizons' case) around, and that includes coming up with backstories, personalities, etc. for the player characters. I'm a writer, so I like adding those extra layers to make playing the game more engaging.

I enjoy decorating the houses, and now I kind of enjoy decorating the outdoors. I don't really play with people I don't know unless they're folks on here for the purpose of purchasing items, and I have no interest in uploading my towns or islands with the Dream Suite function, so I only really do this aspect for my own enjoyment. If my friends, or traders who are there for 5 minutes dropping off stuff, like what they see as well, cool.

I'm definitely a collector, particularly with clothing items. The bulk of my player characters' storage consists of clothing for them to wear, though there is a mix of other stuff as well, and I want the ability to have access to whatever clothes I might want at the touch of a button with the ordering service on the Nook Phone. I try to keep the storage mostly seasonally appropriate, so for example I'll sell Tube Tops to make room for Long Down Coats for Winter, but then I'll sell those coats and order clothes more suited for warmer weather for Spring and Summer. As such, it's important to have whatever I might want in the catalog to quickly access and order. I'll tend to buy every color variation of every type of clothing when it shows up in the Able Sisters' shop, even if it's not something I'll necessarily have any of the characters wear most of the time, just so I'll have it just in case. I also like having all the different types of furniture at my fingertips as well, and in all the color variations they come in, though unless I'm actively using it in a room design or for decorating the island I'll just acquire it for the cataloging purposes and sell it rather than keep it in storage, depending on what it is.

I'm not really a social person in general, but I do enjoy playing with friends who own the game and I do make a lot of purchases here on the forums, so that fits too.
I am a hoarder. That means, I belong to the collector's group! Honestly, I am thankful that Nintendo gave us extra storage recently. However, I still need more!
I voted for decorator and roleplayer! Being a combination of both helped me shape my island and its lore to what it is today: an anime/manga-inspired story filled with angsty, drama-inducing high school animals. It's been really fun looking for inspiration from both instagram and pinterest, and it's kept me playing since I got the game in late June. :]