What's your Animal Crossing Playstyle?

Which categories do you fit in?

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I picked collector, but that is really only a portion of how I play the game. I like to decorate, but don't really care about having a spectacular island. I mainly like decorating the inside of the houses, and some around the island, but not big on terraforming or making my island look amazing (I really have no patience for that) I enjoy changing things up, so I move things around a lot. I also really love collecting clothes and dressing my main character. That is probably one of the biggest things I enjoy in the game.
I choose collector - while I don’t really care about having one of everything in every color, I play the game looking to get the most villager photos as possible.
I feel like there should be an "other" option there. Like others, I tend to be a mix of those options and they change frequently. Currently, I would say I'm none of those things. I casually play the game to just... Play my game. I don't roleplay, my island and house are garbage, I collect what I can but don't get hung up on what I can't, and my friends haven't played the game for months now. So... I really don't think I can pick any of those right now lol.
I made it multi-answer for that very reason.
I'm definitely a decorator, but I do play with my family and friends a lot, so I'm also a socializer.
i guess i mostly align with decorator? this is the first ac game i've been able to play with friends, and it was really fun. it's also nice to come on here and see what everyone else is up to/thinks about the game. i used to trade here on the forums for acnl but ngl, it's always a bit daunting, so i don't really do it anymore.
I’m mostly a roleplayer but I suppose a decorator as well.

I’m here to create characters and every one of my villagers and players have their story. My town has a name, my characters all have matching names, and each name has a story.

I’m also a decorator, because how can I tell their stories if not by decorating?
In every AC game besides CF l would focus on always decorating and get the villagers. I would plan everything in my mind and start working!
After l finish that, then l will start playing the game normally and try to play with others. I did helped my sister with her whole island without taking over the controller
i like to decorate~ it's fun for me, even if i get frustrated a lot!

i wish i was more of a socializer but i mostly just play with my bro ;; even though a lot of friends have invited me to play
Little bit of everything, on top of just playing it to see what's poppin on the island today. I enjoy designing my island and house, and do so with a theme/story in mind, though I don't have a deadline for it, just start a project when I feel like it. My friend and I are helping each other collect all the DIYs and art and stuff, but it feels more like just something to do than a reason to play. The collecting facilitates the socialization, much like Pokemon. I also like to throw money at the clothes at Able Sisters these days, just to collect them.
I chose decorator and socialiser. When I'm playing alone I enjoy landscaping and decorating, so much so that I've knocked down parts of my island several times out of boredom. However, what keeps me coming back to the game after long breaks is to hang out with friends, usually after a game update or for a villager's birthday. It's a lot of fun hanging out with friends on the game... unfortunately, most of the people I play with all hate winter (including me) so I'm definitely lacking on the socialising part this season :')
I am mainly a “decorator“ but also a bit of a “role player”. My main goal is to decorate my island and render it beautiful and aesthetically pleasing but truth is that I don’t really do it to showcase it to the others. I really do it for myself, which is why I said I’m a bit of a role player. In fact, I feel very attached to my island and my villagers too, to the point that I invented some backstories about my neighbour. My island is my happy place, where I go to when I want to simply relax, to express my creativity through crazy projects, or to forget reality for a while. :)
I chose role player and decorator although I do enjoy trading. I can’t get any of my (middle aged) friends to try the game so I don’t socialize much.

But I’m sort of a half-arsed decorator, role player, and trader. That should be a poll option: half-arsed mish-mash of styles, lol.
I definitely fit into the escapism category 😂 I enjoy decorating my island when I get some very rare inspiration. I love clothes and furniture but don’t have the time or patience to be a completionist. Grateful for people that are and kindly help me get the stuff I like 😊

I do enjoy socialising but agree that when you visit islands apart from shopping there isn’t much to do. I get nervous when visiting strangers still. Don’t know why as everyone is super lovely.

Now I need to finish up my villager erm village? They deserve somewhere better to live 😊
I am definitely a decorator, there is something so satisfying about finishing a room in your house or finishing an area of your island. I used to watch tons of island tour videos to get inspired before I got my own style!
Collector and Roleplayer for me.

I always shoot to 100% the catalog in every installment since City Folk. I also really like to make headcanons for me, my villagers, and the NPCs. I find the most enjoyment from that playstyle, and sometimes that translates onto doodles.

I’ve been putting off decorating for a long time, but am now trying my hand at it.
i chose roleplay & decorater... but i'm a casual too, though :3

actually, i'm a casual & decorater first... & all of them plus roleplay, for my oc, penny on my future 2nd switch/island
I guess none of these haha I just want to relax and play some animal crossing
i definitely fall under the category of “collector” aha. while villagers and island development are motivations for me to play, too, i’ve always been big on collecting and completing, especially when it comes to the museum, achievements (the badges from nl, nook mile goals in nh, etc) and expanding my catalog! ☺️
I checked off "collector" because I love the item-collection aspect of Animal Crossing, although really it's kind of in service of role-playing and decorating.. specifically interior decorating, because I'm playing ACNL and that's my favorite part of that game. I like to choose themes for the rooms of my house, and it's fun to collect items for those themes, or to collect items and clothing that I think will fit my villagers. If I can have a big catalogue with lots of different stuff, I'll likely not be in a situation where I suddenly go "Oh! I really could use something like this!" but then don't have it. It's also fun to just sometimes scroll through my catalogue now and then; most of the time I'll get excited over something that's a perfect fit for some room in my house that I got ages ago and totally forgot about. I don't think I will ever 100% the catalog, if only because there are so many items that are impossible to get through normal gameplay, either because of time locked stuff, or because you need amiibos and/or other players who have access to things like DLC items or items from other regions, etc. I also don't think I will 100% the medal system in ACNL, because I typically don't care too much about achievement-type things. However, I do care about 100% completing the museum donations.