What's Your Favorite Anime?

I know it might be cliche, but I really like MHA, it was one of the first animes I really got into, and I like superhero movies in general, and MHA is just such an interesting topic to me, and theres constantly something exciting happening! :D
I could list like 10 I really like but I'll keep it down to the two that are tied for my absolute favorite which are, Owari no Seraph (hence the pfp lol) and Tokyo Revengers. I fell in love with the characters from both series and they both kept me interested and invested the whole time I was watching them.
howdy guys!! do you enjoy anime as much as me or the next guy?
if so, let me know what your favorite anime is and why!
you can even mention when or why you got into anime!
if you're not interested in it, feel free to share your thoughts too, just don't be rude! <3

to start us off, my favorite anime of all time is NANA, it's a slice of life
and focuses on two very different girls who share the same name.
it's extremely deep and complex and i highly recommend it to anyone who wants
to feel alive and experience normal and intense human emotions
with all the complicated parts of our lives and others; how they intertwine with our own too.

others i enjoyed are parasyte, steins;gate, attack on titan
ohhh i think that my fave anime is sailor moon bc of a lot of reasons... its the first anime i watched and it holds a very dear place in my heart, im also very interested in astrology and sailor moon is inspired by it! i also love the artsyle the manga has and the 90s animation from the anime. and besides being a clasic magical girl anime, i genuinelt believe that the story is amazing!
but, if i were to be ojective, i think the BEST anime i ever watched is hunter x hunter which is funny bc the author is married to sailor moon's author!! i wish the manga wasnt on hiatus lol anyway i highly recommend both of them!!
The anime that got me the most engaged into their world and had me binge episodes was Hunter x Hunter. It's one of the first animes I watched years ago and often still go back to rewatch it.

Sk8 the Infinity
Bungo Stray Dogs
I don't have a single favorite, but I do have a top 3 of sorts.
1. My Neighbor Totoro
- I watched this when I was a little kid and something clicked, now it's just pure nostalgia when watching it and will always be my all-time favorite, also I've watched it at least 20 times.
2. Your Name and A Silent Voice
- Both such good movies, they are on the same level, could never put one below or above the other.
Oof, this changes for me the more I anime watch and actually the more I grow up too. Some previous favorites are just... no longer good now that I'm older.

I still really liked the following:

- Hyouka
- Gin no Saji (Silver Spoon)
- Mousou Dairinin (Paranoia Agent)
- Mushishi
- Eizouken ni Te wo Dasu na (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken)
- Amaama to Inazuma (Sweetness and Lightning)

and the bolded are still strongly considered my favorites even though it's been several years since I've watched.

And recently, I've really been enjoying HameFlag (My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom), even though it has my two all-time least favorite genres (harem and isekai). I think it has a more savory (?) ... wholesome (?) take on those two genres which makes it so much easier and better to watch.
It only has two seasons but I love Vampire Knight. Another one I love is Ouran High School Host Club. I also really enjoyed March Comes in Like a Lion
my favorite anime is fullmetal alchemist and my favorite manga is tokyo ghoul : 3
Angel's Egg and Sennen Joyuu probably are my most favorite.

Mononoke, GITS SAC, Haibane Renmei, Ergo Proxy, Mushishi are other top favorites.
I love Iwatobi Swim club the most. I've seen all the movies, and episodes. It also really connected with me in highschool. I think the progression of the characters and feeling like your growing with them, is really cool.

I love that series so much.

But My Hero Hitorjime, Parasyte, Angle Beats, Gravitation, are also all time favorites 🥰
FLCL will always have a special place in my heart.
I also like Mushishi, Mononoke, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (less the end though), March Comes In like a Lion, The Tatami Galaxy, NANA (still no end). There are so many.

There are anime I like for the art and mood but won't watch often and other light comedies that I will watch more than once, like Ouran Host Club or Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge just because I still find them funny.
I really like MHA and Hunter X Hunter. I only got into watching anime more recently. I tried to many years ago, but the ones recommended to me were really not interesting to me. Soul Eater was good for a bit but it got really boring after a while. So I have @Midoriya to thank for recommending me some actual good anime. ^_^ I’m also interested in eventually watching Diamond No Ace because I think I could really get into sports anime and that one seems intriguing to me.
I’m not much of an anime fan, but I do enjoy sonic X ^^
I have quite a few and I couldn't just pick one. When someone irl asks me what my favorite anime I jokingly say, "I probably have about 20 top favorite anime, here's a few I can think if the top of my head" and that's what I'm gonna do right now lol

Bokurano: Ours
Spice & Wolf
Zetsuen no Tempest/Blast of Tempest
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Shinsekai Yori/From the New World
Grimgar: Ashes and Illusions (one of the prettiest and most realistic 'isekais' I've seen)

I'll also mention my favorite anime movies

A Silent Voice
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
i love eizouken, probably that. if not then welcome to demon school iruma-kun, or jojo.
My top five favorites are Banana Fish, A Silent Voice, Jujutsu Kaisen, Violet Evergarden, and Darling in the Franxx.
There are many more, but those are my top favorites.