What’s your favorite bush type

I think the blue hydrangeas are my favorite, but I am partial to the pink camellias. I wish we could see those without snow though! I'm not a huge fan of the fall bushes or the holly except at Christmastime. Easily the blue hydrangeas are my favorite. As others said, the pink hydrangeas are low key kind of ugly- they need to improve the pink color!
camellias, both red and pink but i'm using only pink. and my top favorite even from new leaf is prooooooobably the red and yellow hibiscus.
I love the holly bushes. They are the perfect decoration for winter and Christmas season on northern hemisphere islands. However, I put a couple blue hydrangeas by Julia's house and they look very pretty when they are in bloom.
I like the tea olives the best.
Then second favorites would be camellias

Least favorite: azaleas and hydrangeas.

Ok would be: holly, hibiscus. I’m not too sure about these yet.
I super love love LOVE the camelia bushes but I never get to see them bloom cause I really don't like the winter season.

My next fav would have to be the tea bushes. They're so simple but very nice and not overwhelmingly bold, bright or distracting. They're easy to work and landscape with. Plus autumn is a pretty great season.
My fave will always be the hydrangeas. Next are the azaleas and hollies. They’re just all soooo pretty.
mine are azaleas and camilias. I don't think I have a least fav, I think they all look great when they're in season
Azalea is probably my favourite aesthetics wise, though I do have a soft spot for Holly considering that's my name irl. I just wish it had a second variant like the other bushes. A different placement of the berries and with a slightly lighter/darker shade for example.
Sweet olive (orange tea olive).

Holly was my favorite until the snow uglified it.
bahaha that's how i feel about the camelias!! I bought so many cuz I thought the flowers would look really pretty but the red flowers stand out so much with the snow and I dont really like the look of it
Azaleas and tea olives are my favourites :)
Holly in the winter is my favorite. Next would be hibiscus. They're so bright and cheerful in the summer.
i really like the camellias, but haven't figured out what i'm gonna do with them yet. THEY'RE SO PRETTY!!!
My favorites are the holly bushes and the sweet olive tree bushes, ever since they were introduced in New Leaf. The holly bush is my #1 favorite because it looks like a berry bush. I love adding them to areas of my island that are wooded. The sweet olive bush also accentuates wooded areas perfectly and look great especially once fall rolls in. 🥰
I really like the flowers on the hibiscus bushes, just wish they came in more colors! My current favorite is probably the hydrangeas, then the azaleas next.
I like all of them really. I feel like they all fit the season that they bloom in so well. And I always have the in-season ones at the front of my Nook shop, and I have some out of season bushes along the edge and back (with flowers between them). But if I were to pick a favorite I think that I would have to go with the Holly. They're just so classic and pretty, and perfect for the holiday season! My least favorite is the Hydrangea, because the flowers look kinda odd to me for some reason. But to be fair, I'm not a big fan of them IRL either.

You know what would be great though? If the bushes came in more color varieties. That would be pretty fantastic.
Tea olive is my favorite, followed by holly (which surprised me, because I hadn't previously loved it). After that, probably azalea, hydrangea (in-game only; I dislike them intensely IRL), camellia, and hibiscus. I don't hate any of them, but the last two are simply okay fillers.
Right now. I have a bunch of holly bushes ans that’s it but I’m changing up my island so I think I’m gonna change them to hydrangeas instead, the pink ones. I used to have the tea ones which were okay. I’m not a huge fan of any of the bushes in this game because they just all kind of look waxy and plastic. Plus because there’s so many they all only bloom for just a little bit at a time and nothing overlaps
i think i have all bush types on my island atm except tea olives lol (they're nice but i donno where to put them yet)

these are my favourites vv
View attachment 350766
they're so pretty ♡
Where can I find an image like this, showing when each kind of bush will be in bloom? I'm in the southern hemisphere.
Where can I find an image like this, showing when each kind of bush will be in bloom? I'm in the southern hemisphere.

i just found this, hope it helps ^-^
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