What’s your favorite bush type

I liked holly the most, even with the snow. There's something really charming about red berries on a green bush.
I haven't really compared all the leaves for each type, but aside from Holly, I like any out of season bush. Unless I'm missing something, they're the only way to have shrubs without flowers on them.
I like all of them to some extent, but I'd say the blue hydrangeas and white azaleas are my favorites, just given the pure amount of them I have on my island right now! I think that both the hydrangeas and azaleas as a whole are so great because they look good no matter the season and even if they aren't in bloom.
Like, I think the holly looked super pretty during the holidays, but I refrained from even planting any of them until the snow hit the ground because I just don't think they look good without the snow imo.
Holly and pink camelias are my favorites, although it'll probably change when winter is over.
I like all of them really. I also like how they bloom seasonal so there is always sonethung to look at.
I only really plant hibiscus bushes - they fit my island's theme a lot more than the others. I particularly like the red ones :p
I love hydrangeas in real life and in the game, they give off such a fairytale quality. Next in line are azaleas and tea olives.
I've never been into the shrubs, even in New Leaf. If I were to have a favorite, it would probably be Holly. Tea Olive would probably be second, I guess.