What's your favorite Disney/Disney Pixar movie?

May 31, 2014
I'm watching Wall-E, and while I was watching it, I was thinking about my favorite Disney movies. I can't choose, so I guess I'll just pick The Lion King if I had to choose. I wasn't sure where to put this, so I'm putting this here. Also, I'm not making a poll since there are so much movies.
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Lilo and Stitch
Toy Story series was pretty good
Alice in Wonderland

And before anyone else says it, Studio Ghibli doesn't count.
the lion king is my favorite disney movie and also my favorite movie in general. i also love hercules and oliver & company <3
Disney: Mulan, then The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Hercules and Kuzco

Disney Pixar: Ratatouille, A Bug's Life, Up
I have to admit, I really love the overrated Frozen. T.T Other than that though, I also love Mulan and The Emperor's New Groove (funny as heck).

It's difficult because I love most of them.
wow this is a harder decision than it oughta be, there's a disgusting amount of disney movies that I actually really love, most of them because I first saw them as a child I guess.
for now I'll say Oliver & Company.
The Aristocats. It was my childhood. Also, Frozen is pretty good too. I'll be honest, I don't remember ever seeing The Lion King or The Little Mermaid or anything like that when I was younger.