What's your favorite egg this year?

Favorite egg?

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Mars Adept

Circles and spirals in mind…
Dec 25, 2015
Fresh Balloon
Fresh Balloon
Rad Balloon
Rotating Fool's Egg
Oblivia's Ugly Christmas Egg
Quirky Doll
Weird Doll
I'd like to know everyone's thoughts on the new eggs.
Oh this is tough. I love both Oblivia's Happy Egg and Laudine's Eyes Closed Egg.
Thunder's golden breakfast. Congrats to the lucky person in advance if you snag that egg before we do lol
Thunder's cardboard egg because it looks cheap and it is cheap ( only 3 eggs love it ). It represents me well.
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that fried egg is awesome, p sad when I realized it was the gold egg
It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of everything Laudine does, but the Happy Egg took about 105 hours to perfect so I'm a tad biased here.
Oblivia's Starpower Egg. It just looks awesome and would be cool redesigned. Its something you get by spending 15 eggs.

I love the Dark Egg I got in 2016, I was aiming for the Galaxy egg, but I couldn't find any more clues. (Needed 2 more) So I settled in and got the Zen and Poptart eggs. My original plan was to get the Galaxy and Poptart eggs, but did you really think i'd find 18 eggs?
Nice! A lot of people like Oblivia's Starpower Egg. Me too!
but i cant win this egg hunt i have only found 5 egg
I was so torn between Oblivia's Happy Egg and Laudine's Eyes Closed Egg! I ultimately went with the latter. :blush:
Personally I like the two cheapest eggs, but I appreciate Laudine's as well; cute concept

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Also, I don't see how Justin's looks like Resetti, just looks like a cool pattern to me. Am I missing it?