What's your favourite late night snack/meal?

I don't eat late. Don't need food in my mouth when I brush my teeth before bed. No food after 9pm. When I was at university we did sometimes have midnight toast and one time we had a midnight barbecue. I also remember in first year my Spanish flatmate once cooked a steak at 3am when we were all just sitting in the kitchen because he said he was hungry.
anything sweet or if I ordered pizza earlier in the day I finish it off late at night.
toasted bagels with peanut butter. but i can't eat them at night a lot cause the toaster in my house is really loud and i don't want to wake anyone up :(
I stop eating at 6.00pm. Eating anything after that, I will honestly be sick. For desert I will just have a few blocks of chocolate after dinner because my body just can't handle so much food at once.