What's your favourite new reaction(s)? (upcoming November update)

What is your favourite new reaction (from the Hip Reaction Collection)

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i like them all but i really love that you can sit with villagers now! i like to sit and watch them sing :)
I love the Sit Down one so much because I love sitting next to my villagers. The rest are cute, but when I saw the Sit Down emote, I legit cried tears of joy because I was so excited to finally sit wherever.
At first it was sit down but yoga has really started growing on me and looks super cute in pictures too! Ta-da is my most used :)
The sitting down one. I like sitting down with villagers. They will smile every time when you do .
I also like the photo one, just because it is cute to see the villagers "take photos".
Erik was just staying in front of the illuminating trees and he was taking pictures of it. It was so cute.
I probably use Sit Down & Wave Goodbye the most! I like being able to sit down with my villagers but it also gives them another chance to reject me. 😭 I can't tell you how many times I've sat down beside them, had them look at me, and then get up and leave. Ouch, lol.

I love waving goodbye when people leave my island or when I leave theirs!

I do also enjoy the little workout/yoga animations but I don't use them a ton.
sitting down is easily one of the things that i've been wanting since early on in the game. no more having to bring a cushion around everywhere lmao.

now if only they'll go the extra mile and let us have a hug reaction 🥺 let me hug my villagers!