What's your favourite new reaction(s)? (upcoming November update)

What is your favourite new reaction (from the Hip Reaction Collection)

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that frustrates me everytime when they get up so soon after i sit next to them on a bench 😅 hope they wont do that this time!
I was just gonna snap a pic with Audie sitting down, facing the sunset in front of a blue hyacinth patch and guess what she did?

she got up
I tried Yoga for a long time and I love it then I sit down lol but too bad, I did not find a villager sitting somewhere ^^
Definitely the sitting down... cause earlier this morning, Marshall decided that he was gonna do a concert at the plaza after K.K.'s visit yesterday and I just sat down there to listen and took a few videos. It was such a delight! I can't wait to sit down next to my villagers now. I notice they always like sitting next to the rivers or trees. XD
After having them, i'm definitely saying the sitting emote is my favorite but the sparkles and goodbye waving is also cool when I interact with guests and my villagers. I'm so happy we got these new reactions!
sit down is the most "useful", but I love the excited one so much. the butt wiggle is so adorable 😭
For me it definitely has to be the one where you're finally able to walk around carrying the same hip soda cans and drinks the villagers carry.... oh wait.... we still don't have that option 😭 😭 😭 😭

I guess my favorite ones are the excited reaction, ta-da, and here you go. I've never really cared about being able to sit on the ground next to my villagers.
To be honest, all of them, but if I had to narrow it to one, I really like here you go closely followed by sit down and ta-dah. :)
Honestly, all of them. I'm having such a hard time deciding which ones to put in the reaction wheel because I don't want to remove any of the reactions I have there... I wish we could have another wheel, though it may look cluttered then lol.
Sit down is my favorite.

Ever since I saw villagers plop down under a tree, beside the river, or right in the middle of my terraforming project, I wanted to be able to sit with them. It’s such a peaceful interaction that fits the core experience of the game, and it brings a silly grin to my face every time.
They're all super cute!

My favourite is sit down, even though my villagers stand up as soon as I've plopped down next to them. I'll keep trying. xD

Runner-up is ta-da. The sound effect is adorable and I love the sparkles.

Third favourite is yoga/work out. It's calming to see my character go through the yoga stances, and being able to work out with my villagers has decreased my annoyance with seeing them get swole. xD
I love all of them! But "sit down" and "take a picture" are my faves. What a shame we can only have 8 reactions on a shortcut wheel
Considering there is 33 more empty slots on a second page for reactions, I wonder which ones would be added in the future updates. If we can workout and do yoga, I really want a reaction for singing. What? One can dream...
Sit down. actually I had a couple of reactions already missing so when I traded my miles for it, I ended up being able to sit and wave goodbye right away. I was actually just about to make a post on why I didn't get the rest of them... lol makes sense now. I was missing two already so I had the space for new of these reactions. I will have to wait for everything else. (and the two I was already missing... probably from smug villagers)
for me it's most definitely the "sit down" emote. right after I updated my game I went to get the new reactions and the very first thing I did was take a bunch of pics of my player sitting in different places around the map. I also got a pic of her sitting next to Sydney by the river ^w^

I also picked the "work out" emote cause it reminds me of the aerobics moves from AC:GCN. I also really like the "bumpin" thing lmao.
Where's the option for all?

I chose sit down though but I think it's really cool we can sit with our villagers.