What’s your personal tier list? - smug villagers

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This is my list, I really love Beardo, I dont know when it happened but I get so happy looking at that gross pube perv bear ♡

I also have a really strong love for glasses...

Ed was in my NL town and he is awesome.
This is all villagers I know, but not all are smug.
i forgot some of these were smug!
smug tier list.png

me and hans (unfortunately) share a birthday. i always thought he looked kind of greasy ._."
I don‘t have TierMaker so I just made this using notes. 🤷‍♀️ This is just my opinion, and I have nothing against other people’s opinions. 😊

S - Undisputed, will not take any criticism
A+ - REALLY cool
A- - Very cool
B - Certified cool
C - Top of C = i like, mid-bottom of C = i am indifferent towards
F - Dislike

Here’s mine! As you can see, S tier is reserved for best bois only. (I forgot to change the F color, but I don’t care lolol)

A = Amazing bois
B = Good bois
C = Ok bois
D = Meh bois
F = Bois I better not see again
happy to see some toby love, he looks so dumb i love him. also i think at some point i hated leopold but he's grown on me since.

honestly i think even the D tier are ones i'm kinda neutral on, i don't really have a lot of smug faves tbh.

These tier lists are really fun to make! Here's mine:

smug ranking.png

Favorite smug: Leopold! Probably my favorite villager overall actually. I just really love the professor lion.

A++ smug villagers, would keep: I love all of these fellas. Colton and Raymond I'm keeping permanently in New Leaf and New Horizons respectively, and both Kyle and Shep very narrowly missed making it onto my dreamie lists. I'd love to have them in a future game though, they'd almost definitely make it in then.

Like, but probably wouldn't keep: These are good smugs, but not my favorites. Most of them just have designs I think are cool or interesting, but Eugene probably would've ranked lower if I hadn't had him in New Leaf. He was a good boy and I hope he's doing well in the world.

They're alright, wouldn't mind: I like most of these guys okay, no real strong feelings towards them though. If I got any of them as a random move-in, I'd probably be like "oh yeah, him, he's cool I guess". Had Lopez in New Leaf for a while and he was fine, but I don't think he made a really serious impression on me.

Don't personally like, but no hard feelings: Not really a fan of their designs, but I could look past it for a little while. I have Jacques in New Horizons and while he's been an okay dude, he's free to go anytime he feels like it.

Yes hard feelings: I had both O'Hare and Quillson at different points in New Leaf, and found them both pretty disagreeable. Graham and Huck creep me out a little.
I realize this is completely unfair of me and he had every right not to do so, but my grudge is largely because he refused to sell me his dartboard.
But Quillson!
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His conversations with Renee are the funniest!
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Quillson: What is Renee’s best move?
Me: She throws fireballs!
Renee: Uh, you know that’s not possible, right?
Quillson: WHOA! You can throw FIREBALLS?
Renee: No Quillson, that’s only a video game thing.
Quillson: You’re doing VIDEO GAME MOVES? Forget throwing fireballs! Teach me to double jump, or use save points, or fast travel, or be made of polygons!
Quillson: Hey mom! What’s for dinner?
Renee: Microwaved cream spinach, what else? Wait! Did you just call me MOM?
Quillson: Yeah! It’s for my audition, I assume I’ll be playing the role of your son. Now then, would we be having French toast for dessert?
Renee: There is no audition! And I am NOT your mom!
Quillson: Don’t you know Renee? Life is an audition! Did you get that? I want to use it in my reel.
Renee: You’re about to be CANCELED, Quillson! So I wouldn’t worry about your reel right now!
These are my reasons for loving him.
But Quillson!
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These are my reasons for loving him.

since all the smug villagers have the same dialogue and personality it really comes down to our own personal impressions and preferences though. But I do understand how surprising it can be when you see how differently people see the same villagers.

for example, I love Rodney and think he is one of the cutest villagers, but I know others really think he is not cute, or don’t like him, or at least prefer others over him.

And yeah, sometimes I do feel just like completely confused by how they can be looking at the same little amazing, adorable hamster and not seeing what I see! It’s so funny how different everyone’s tastes are!

it’s the great thing about having so many villagers though, because we all can find ones that just fit our personal tastes.

Btw, @Merielle I find the fact that you hold a grudge against quillson for not selling you a dart board to be pretty great reasoning. It made me laugh. I had a grudge against punchy at one point because he walked over to me when I was in the middle of hitting rocks (back when I really needed the materials) and I talked to him instead of getting all 8 materials… silly, but I was pretty ticked! I have since forgiven him though 😅
This is so funny! I'm the one who posted the tier list last year and I was just thinking how much my tastes have changed!

Here's mine:
since all the smug villagers have the same dialogue and personality it really comes down to our own personal impressions and preferences though. But I do understand how surprising it can be when you see how differently people see the same villagers.

for example, I love Rodney and think he is one of the cutest villagers, but I know others really think he is not cute, or don’t like him, or at least prefer others over him.

And yeah, sometimes I do feel just like completely confused by how they can be looking at the same little amazing, adorable hamster and not seeing what I see! It’s so funny how different everyone’s tastes are!

it’s the great thing about having so many villagers though, because we all can find ones that just fit our personal tastes.

Btw, @Merielle I find the fact that you hold a grudge against quillson for not selling you a dart board to be pretty great reasoning. It made me laugh. I had a grudge against punchy at one point because he walked over to me when I was in the middle of hitting rocks (back when I really needed the materials) and I talked to him instead of getting all 8 materials… silly, but I was pretty ticked! I have since forgiven him though 😅
This is completely off topic because theyre not a smug and I still love them.
But earlier today flip annoyed me by walking directly in front of me after I shook a tree and wasps fell out.
I got stung as my net hit him instead of the wasps. Guess we both lost that.
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There is only one top tier smug boy for me, and that's Julian. He will forever be the best unicorn.
My least favourite... Well everyone in D. Their designs don't appeal too me at all. Just yikes.

I was going to put Marshal in S, because I did have him on my old island and he is cute. But I didn't fall super in love with him, so he's ended up at A.
Chadder is a surprising one that I didn't expect to put so far up the list. But he has really grown on me, because a friend of mine has him and I think he's adorable. Underrated for sure.
Henry is another villager that I have recently come to like. I want to get him once I finish my fairycore theme.
I feel a bit better seeing at least one other member place Beardo at S rank! Love him, even though I initially hated him.

Colton and Raymond are my permanent smugs. But I like many of them including Jacques, Julian, Marshal, Pietro, Lopez, Zell, Kidd, Kyle, Leopold, Chops.