what's your screensaver?


👻Spoopy all season long👻
Jun 25, 2014
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
My laptop screensaver is a picture of my cat on her back. It makes me so happy every time I open it up because when I slide up to unlock it it's like I'm petting her tummy (which she never lets me do)

what's yours?
I've had this same wallpaper on my phone since the day after SMO was released :p


My desktop wallpaper is the Team Aqua/Magma group artwork from ORAS :D
I just have mine set to go to sleep after ~15 minutes. I feel like a screensaver is just a waste of power because if I'm AFK it's usually for hours, and I don't need my computer running the whole time.
My laptop wallpaper is a screenshot of Rise of the Tomb Raider and my phone has like pink/blue palm trees.
Mine is just a picture of the tree from majora's mask. I love zelda and it's serene enough to just look like a normal pic so no normies can bother me about it LOL.
Mine is when I went to Disneyland Paris, my friend's dad is a photographer and he took some amazing shots so I wanted one of them as a screensaver.

On my IPad Pro it’s just a picture of the waves at a beach. I haven’t bothered to change it yet. Lmao
Mine is a picture of me and my cousin...

oops probably shouldn?t show it here
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Oh you mean lock screen phone image... Currently a picture of Buffy Sainte-Marie from the late 60s I think.

On my computer I don't have one, but my locked screen there is One Piece/M*A*S*H meme I found ages ago lol.
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My computer has one of the default Mac ones, I think the landscape defaults they have are just so serene to look at haha. My phone background for both my lock screen and wallpaper are my doggies.
back from a hiatus and my screen saver is rouruni kenshin.

I never started the series when I was younger for some odd reason and am thoroughly enjoying it

This is my wallpaper on my phone ( since technically screensavers are like something different...) that's my homescreen while my lockscreen is my son and daughter ( I need to take one with my husband). ♡ My OTP Skai ♡. Theyve been together since late 2009 (I was about 12 when I made them be a couple). Art is by AlexRiley and Silhh.
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