What's your town tune?

Star of the County Down

It's different from the video game music most people seem to choose (which isn't a bad thing!) and I really like how it sounds as a town tune. ;u;
My tune is currently the first part of the chorus of Candy Candy by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, but it was some random melody I made up for the longest time, I'll always remember that tune and can go back to it anytime, I just don't have a name for it.
My town tunes the defualt one lol. I don't know why, but I really like the defualt one I got so much, I don't want to change it. But on my cycle town it's Zeldas lullaby :3
The town tune in Mew is the original AC:GC tune. La LA lala LA la la... la la.
by the way, if anybody has a great tune idea for a Japanese/nature/green themed (sort of quiet and peaceful) town... please share...

thanks !
i just changed mine from kyary pamyu pamyu's "CANDY CANDY" to a part of the main theme from Studio Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle! /// I quite love that theme especially, so it was a nice change to say the least?

by the way, if anybody has a great tune idea for a Japanese/nature/green themed (sort of quiet and peaceful) town... please share...

thanks !
Oh, I'm pretty sure I can find something! If I do, I'll be sure to PM you ideas :)