what's your town tune?

I think mine's still the beginning of the 'Funky town' chorus? haven't changed it in a loong time
It's the first notes of "It's a small world". I set it to that at some point thinking that I would come up with something fitting later, yet here we are.

I'm surprised it isn't in my head all the time.
We keep changing our island tunes once a while, currently is the mandoliran theme. Before that is the rains of castamere lol.
Toss A Coin To Your Witcher. Looked it up, didn't recreate it. It works really well in game and it was stuck in my at the time that the game released.
On Coral Key, it's Hedwig's Theme from Harry Potter and on Lorien it's Concerning Hobbits from LOTR. I love hearing the bells ring out on the hour or the little squeaky versions at the airport! 😂
my town has a ghibli vibe in some areas- and so i wanted to reflect that with one of my favorite ghibli songs- the soundtrack from howl's moving castle!

i may change it to one of my favorite songs, as i am slowly changing the island theme~ :)
the theme that i'm using is technically sally's theme from nightmare before christmas. i found it shortly before halloween and i've been using it ever since. sounds so lovely, especially when it's played in a deeper tone for the grumpy villagers 🖤

Mine's no tears left to cry by Ariana Grande :) (I'm a big fan of hers)
Mine is Stan Rogers's "Northwest Passage". My town is based on a sailing/fishing town and that song is one of my favorite songs about the sea.
I have not changed my town tune at all. If I were to change the tune it would be most likely to One Summer's Day.