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When do you WANT/THINK AC:3DS to be released?


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
Throwback Tickets
Well, as you can see in the title, when do you want/think AC:3DS to be released? So many people are making threads about when they think it may come out and there are the people that are saying when they want it to be released. So answer me people, when do you want/think AC:3DS to be released?

I want it to be released in the middle of July like July 19th or something. For my birthday on July 22nd..


I think it will be released around the end of summer, or during summer. Like during May-August.

Also, answer the question. :D
This was a thread made at the top of my head, since I haven't posted anything in about a year, and I wanna know what you guys think..
I want it to be released around July or August but i have a feeling it will come out around October.
I have two copies pre-ordered (one for me, one for ds-10). I hope and want it to come out before we go on vacation in the middle of August.

I wrote Nintendo this morning hoping that I may have missed a release date, but they are still saying that there isn't one yet. They also said that there will most likely be news at E3 in June. Once there is more information, you can keep track of it at their website: http://www.nintendo.com/games/guide .
I was hoping for before may but that's not going to happen. So I'm just hoping summer time, end of summer.
I don't want to wait till Christmas or the end of the year really. But ill be happy when it does all in all. I think I'll just be happy to hear a date for when it comes out.

It's ok bidoof. It's all ok.
I would like a release date of around August/September, but I really am not fussed when it comes out as I know that it will be better and better depending on how long it takes to release from Nintendo of Japan to the world.
I keep thinking it is taking a long time to come out because it's a year round game, and they want to make sure everything goes on when it's soposed to with out TT.
All in all from what I have learned and what it's looking like, it's going to be worth the wait.
September would be nice Jason. Not quite Halloween and in time for Christmas. Good AC holidays
September would be nice Jason. Not quite Halloween and in time for Christmas. Good AC holidays
That's exactly what I was thinking when I posted about August/September for the release date, I do really like the event Halloween and I would hate to miss Christmas on any Animal Crossing game.
Well, fooey, I didn't know. :mad:

I didn't mean to offend you in any way. I am sorry if I did, and I completely understand if you didn't know of the thread already made. For the sake of lack of confusion and clutter, I personally would like everything in one thread, but in no way am I saying your thread is any less productive. Sorry again, if I had offended you.
The problem I see with having everything in one thread is that once they get so big, they become counterproductive to me, especially for the newer members of the forum. I actually do not mind the various threads. It is nice to have something fresh once in a while.
The problem I see with having everything in one thread is that once they get so big, they become counterproductive to me, especially for the newer members of the forum. I actually do not mind the various threads. It is nice to have something fresh once in a while.

I agree
I first heard the date to be May 2012...

I WANT it to come out about May, because I haven't saved up enough money yet.
I THINK it will come out in the summer time... :p
I was hoping for a quick release early this year. But as that has not happened I now suspect a summer maybe early Autumn (Fall for all you American speakers). I want to give them enough time to get it right. So often games are released before they are ready and you end up having to download patches that often cause more problems than they solve. Having said that I don't really think a Christmas release will do any good for Nintendo. This may be the obvious time to do it but let's not forget the WII U. They will (I imagine) want as much publicity for this as they possibly can. Too many big releases on other formats could take the attention away from their shiny new console.
I also think we should consider the worst case senario. That it is not released in the US/Europe this year but early/spring 2013. I really hope not, and guess E3 is our best hope for new info.
On the whole multiple thread thing. I don't much care. This was the first thread I came too. I've not read the other one yet. I may do at some point but won't respond to anything just in case it offends anyone that I am a double threader (heaven forfend)
On the whole multiple thread thing. I don't much care. This was the first thread I came too. I've not read the other one yet. I may do at some point but won't respond to anything just in case it offends anyone that I am a double threader (heaven forfend)

Welcome to the group. Don't worry about double threading it :), I tend to reply wherever I feel like it, and since I am older than most people, I think that is acceptable :D.

I think you are right about E3 being our best hope for info. I am hoping for a release shortly after E3, but that is best case scenario there. I just wish they would put some type of news out there for us.
Mushandin I've been thinking that also!! i guess its just cause i think about the game so much I've though of every possibility