I still make Snowboys daily. I'm trying to get the achievements for my other characters. For some reason though, while I was a Snowboy making pro when I was doing it on my island rep, I keep failing on my other character it's very strange. I'm definitely looking forward to when I get the achievement on all my characters and I can finally ignore the snowballs haha.
Haha, they really don't bother me! Actually, I think that they're pretty cool to have around. I don't build one every day, but sometimes I'll just have the thought of "hey, let's make one!" I got all the DIY recipes and I've made all the frozen furniture I think I'll need, and I got the achievement completed. So I don't need to make them. But I really like winter in the game! Everything is so pretty!
This is a reason why I time travel. Everything in the game gets boring too soon. So I break up the monotony by jumping around in time. Right now, I'm on real time though--waiting for the new update, which sounds like a fun one.
One of my snowballs spawns in an area where I have lots of custom pathing. It’s really annoying, I have to kick it all the way to an area with snow before it will get big enough to roll.
Surprisingly, Snowboys aren't as annoying as when the Easter Event was happening. Snowballs, I can ignore.. but the Easter items were everywhere.. lol.
The ACNH frozen set is hideous to me so i only made them for the three-tiered snowman and ice popsicle DIYs. And I got both about 4 snowboys in. so i said c’est la vie and now let the dung beetles do their thing with the snowballs lol
Bummer it wasn’t anything like the New Leaf frozen set bc I would’ve been more motivated to make them for a prettier set. But no. Whoever designed the ACNH frozen series said no, you don’t get fun elegant snowflake furniture, you get ICE CUBES