When does the "update" drop?

Looking forward to the update but also hoping they add a little something extra, too. None of the items really have me overly excited. The pie looks good, but why just a pi pie? Would be nice if it were just a general pie we can customize.

St Patty's had the missed opportunity for the rainbow screen and pot/cauldron. The hat and clothes do look nice, though, as does the drink.

I have never used the Mario items much in NL or PC so I doubt I'll have much use for them here, though the pipes do sound fun. Hopefully the Sanrio items will be coming soon!
Looking forward to the update but also hoping they add a little something extra, too. None of the items really have me overly excited. The pie looks good, but why just a pi pie? Would be nice if it were just a general pie we can customize.

St Patty's had the missed opportunity for the rainbow screen and pot/cauldron. The hat and clothes do look nice, though, as does the drink.

I have never used the Mario items much in NL or PC so I doubt I'll have much use for them here, though the pipes do sound fun. Hopefully the Sanrio items will be coming soon!
The pie is the only item I'm interested in, as I miss the NL food items.
I don't care for Mario crap tbh I don't care about St.Patty's day or Pi day I just really only like the Peach Crown and Star tbh
I really don't get why they time locked the items either. It's kind of just a let down haha. It's not like the items are an event? They're just little things for us to buy and play with. I guess it's just to make the update seem longer. So the update is "through March" not just a "last couple days of February" update. Kinda biffed, but whatever. Time keeps moving too fast lately anywho!
The update drops tonight at 5PM pacific time, apparently, but they never specified exactly what time the update would come out so I guess we don’t really know?

I’m not a fan of the Mario items but I’m excited for the pipes (just like everyone else haha.) Also looking forward to the little pi pies!
You can probably TT to the 5th if you really want the stuff, but I'll just check it out later. I have early work shifts, like super early, and it's not worth staying up just for that. Especially because I'll have to TT numerous times to get the stuff because of the 5 day a limit.

Oh and it's time locked? Is that confirmed? What is the point even? Nintendo smoking, they should had just made the update be 5th.
You can probably TT to the 5th if you really want the stuff, but I'll just check it out later. I have early work shifts, like super early, and it's not worth staying up just for that. Especially because I'll have to TT numerous times to get the stuff because of the 5 day a limit.

Oh and it's time locked? Is that confirmed? What is the point even? Nintendo smoking, they should had just made the update be 5th.

Nook Shopping Special items are usually time locked so it is safe to say the Mario items will be as well. Of course I'll TT once the update drops to check, but very likely we'll have to wait for March 1st for the Mario stuff to be unlocked.
I am looking forward to the items that will be available tomorrow, Girl's Day dolls and the new lamp. I love lamps and lanterns! But the Pi Pie and Mario pipe also look great.
And now we wait until March 1st to actually enjoy the update. Thank you Nintendo πŸ˜ƒ
Someone here commented that we're supposed to get some item in the mail right after the download, but I didn't get anything. My system doesn't seem to want to find an update. Fun stuff.
Someone here commented that we're supposed to get some item in the mail right after the download, but I didn't get anything. My system doesn't seem to want to find an update. Fun stuff.
Hit the + on the Animal Crossing icon on the home screen. It should take you to a menu where you can select software update.
All updated. Yay! I don't understand why the mushroom mural is called that, though, since I don't see mushrooms on it. This must be a Mario thing that I don't get.
All updated. Yay! I don't understand why the mushroom mural is called that, though, since I don't see mushrooms on it. This must be a Mario thing that I don't get.

I'm not a Mario fan, but perhaps something to do with Mushroom Kingdom?