where do you stand on the shipping debates?

usually i'm "live and let live" but some pro-shippers scare me tbh. i ship bc im fandom trash. none of my ships are cannon (unless you count a half-hearted update from the game dev to be "canon" without it explicitly saying they're together, just making them kiss for a photo-op.) i love ship art. it makes me happy. i've never shipped incest, never shipped adult/minor (ew) or large age gaps.

i will say, i got blocked by a big artist in my main fandom, just because i ship a ship that they don't like, and i think it's insanely stupid. they also went on a huge rant on tumblr about how much they hate the ship i hate (not naming me specifically,) and then that huge rant caused another large artist in the fandom to fall out from the fandom and doesn't engage anymore which SUCKS, cause i loved their art. some people can get weird about it and i just dont understand why. chronically online people.
My take: even the labels are silly. Honestly I think I might make one of the more controversial posts in this topic, and I want to be clear my point is not to cause drama. I just, dude, I have too much to say. Maybe I could cut some of this, I’m sorry.

The problem isn’t with having ships be canon or not, or having people ship anything. People will do that regardless, and yes that means taking some bad with it, but being anti-ship altogether in response seems like an overreaction. What’s the endgoal of being anti-ship? Is it just to call out the shippers that do behave badly? Then that’s not against the concept of shipping, that’s being against bad behaviour, so being anti-ship is a very reductive and silly label for that. Is it to stop all shipping because it can lead to bad behaviour? Or even being against certain types of ships they think are problematic? Well I’m sorry, but people are going to find one way or another to indulge those ideas, would just write and circulate their fanworks in private, etc.
(If you’re versed enough in fandom history, you might know of, or even remember a time where fanfics were frequently DMCA’d and had to be kept in circulation through email subscription lists, and way before the Internet fandoms like the Trekkies just circulated fanzines that included things like gay fic.)

Personally, I’d agree not to ship real people if you’re going to try and push it on them but pushing it on them is a case of bad behaviour regardless- whenever people say not to ship real people at all I understand, but then you have the blurred lines of the DSMP fandom where people have basically appropriated all the streamers involved into characters, and I honestly think that separation carries on to a lot of “real-life ship” fandoms. If you treat them like characters and have a strict separation, I think that’s… at least not that bad. Still weird but I understand some of the appeal, already being involved in a fandom and whatnot.
There are real examples of fans not having the separation and that hurting friendships which sucks (I remember this happening to two LPers), and I’d generally lean against shipping real-life people- like, I think this is a separate debate from fictional ships to be honest, and this is more of a “slippery slope maybe doing it at all is bad”, and the real people involved could see it and be weirded out even if it’s not that extreme- but I think even that doesn’t have to be black-or-white, because then, where do these “real people appropriated into characters” fall in the debate? Though uh honestly if you’re going to ship real life people then for the love of god leave minors out of it, I will never bat for that. No. Stop it. Even if it’s a minor writing it they can keep it to themselves.

So since I support peoples’ right to ship, does that make me pro-ship? If I absolutely had to pick a side, then yes. I would stand very, very staunchly on the side that people should be free to ship. I’ll admit, I’m a fan of some “problematic” ships (solely in a fictional context, because dark media helps me cope with my trauma, and personally I only care to ship adults and don’t even like things like age gap but whatcha gonna do)- so I have a biased take. Some of my favorite characters are just unapologetically murderers and I like seeing them in theoretical ship dynamics. So let’s say Ao3 bans the content I don’t like, and clearly a lot of people don’t like the content I’m into, does that mean my favorite dynamics are next? Where is the line drawn?

Honestly though, I think as it currently stands pro-ship v anti-ship is one of the silliest kinds of fandom debates. There are valid complaints to be had with certain shipping fandoms and I dislike some shippers for that reason, but once again, the problem isn’t that they’re shippers.
Call out bad behaviour, regardless of stance on shipping, and for the most part I’d leave it at that. Focusing solely on wether someone is or is not a shipper gets us nowhere imo, and having pro-shipping and anti-shipping labels is reductive to a potentially interesting debate. I guess that’s what happens when fandom operates on such a large scale anyway.

I’m speaking very idealistically, and realistically if I condone even a small amount of real-life shipping then some of it would enable some of the behaviour I’m saying we should call out. Realistically, since Ao3 allows anything then not only is that used in good faith by people like me, but there is truly disgusting content on the platform. Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t assume absolutely everyone is shipping in good faith. But then if you start banning stuff then people would just make another site or do it in private. But then that’s not an excuse to completely open the floodgates. There’s no “simple solution”. No matter what you do there will be issues to moderate.

Honestly, a lot of terminology around these kind of debates of what should or shouldn’t be “allowed” isn’t the best. I suppose that likewise, no matter what word you use, the semantic will be flawed somehow. I don’t even like how broadly the “problematic” label is applied, because imo most of the time “controversial” or “contentious” would be a better label. But again, things get distilled like this at such a large scale. That might just be semantic, but when it comes to pro-ship and anti-ship specifically I think those labels have done a decent deal of harm and distracted from the actual problems surrounding shipping. Also, I remember something gross with one of the labels appropriating the pink triangle which just sucks. To conclude, I think there are problems surrounding shipping, but that these labels haven’t helped.

These kinds of debates just… back when I was a kid, this kind of drama and other distractions existed for sure, it’s clearly on the reciepts- but I feel like there’s been an increase in debating what is or isn’t okay to even depict… I think it’s worth questioning, but I don’t like the focus on it over how people are actually acting.
When it comes to my personal preferences, I prefer more positive/healthy shipping dynamics, but I'm not going to go after someone who likes otherwise. I've seen horrible cases of harassment directed towards people who like "bad" ships, and I can't understand trying to actually hurt someone over fictional characters. As it's been said, what people like in fiction isn't necessarily what they'd like or approve of in reality.
I'll say that I do think people should tag ships (in general, not necessarily just controversial ones) as well as potentially triggering subject matter where possible, so that people can more easily avoid it if they choose to, but that's about it. And when it comes to more mainstream fiction, as long as the work isn't trying to pass things off as "this is what a normal/healthy relationship looks like!!", then I'm not terribly bothered about it, I just won't engage with it myself. If something's not my cup of tea, I'll just go look at something else.
My stance on this hasn't changed much in the past two years. There's plenty of things that give me major ick, and things that I absolutely hate, but I do not think media censorship is a good idea, ever. It's a very slippery slope that we've been down before (Hays Code, Comics Code, etc.) and it did a lot of harm to art, media, and creative expression. Like Drawdler said above, there's the very important question of where do we draw the line, and even if my tastes are pretty light/vanilla/within the norm, I'm not about to pretend I'm some sort of saint who doesn't like anything that could be even remotely construed as problematic.
Editing to add: I've seen some talk about applying Mature/R-ratings to works with "darker" romances/uneven dynamics/etc. and I'm generally for this idea. I think keeping this stuff to the adult realm solves the issue of potentially skewing younger audiences' views/expectations without going into the territory of media censorship, which I don't believe in. (I think an age-rating system for books in general would be very helpful actually. I know I was scared of accidentally buying a ~steamy~ book without realizing it when I was younger ahaha)

This is my general stance on what I remember the subject matter of these debates to be, but I've been off most social media for a while (and I do not regret it one bit). But I agree with the idea that the labels of "pro/anti ship" seem very reductive/silly and I'd really rather not be slapped with either. When I in my teens (pre-dating these debates, I believe), I tried to play some sort of weird, morally-superior "here's why none of what I like is at all problematic" game online and it was miserable and deeply worsened my anxiety, and I'll have no part in it again.
It was at a point where I was actually terrified that some favorite character of mine in an ongoing work was going to do something bad or questionable, and that I would have to stop liking them. And then, I don't know, tearfully delete the art of them I'd saved, I guess? Throw out any merch I bought...? When I finally decided what I was doing was ridiculous, and that instead I was going to keep liking the things and characters I liked because they brought me joy and solace and that was that, it did absolute wonders for my mental health. Now I don't care if some beloved character of mine commits a murder or whatever, because they're a fictional character and have committed zero actual real-life murders. Obviously, I do not condone real-life murder. But I kind of hate that I have to clarify that.
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I find shipping annoying, so take that for what you will.
I'm not one to care on ships, yet while I do find them highly cringe and infuriating, I don't bash on them.

I also don't really have much to say on these kinds of shipping things, most likely as I don't go too deep into them, and maybe that's for the better. Don't wanna go down the wrong rabbit hole, I'm fine staying above ground where my interests seem to not hurt anybody.

There is only one ship I actually do ship however, and that's the Male and Female Villager from the MK8/AC:NL games. Though it may as well be canon anyway and not forced by the fans where some shippings clearly don't work by their canon relationships in the actual media. And while we don't know for sure if my "Shipping" is canon, it does seem likely per se.

Back to the bashing, no, I don't do that. If you're a massive fandom fanatic, a furry, (May be controversal) part of the LGBTQ, etc. that's something you enjoy and shouldn't get hurt on because nobody else likes it. I respect other's interests, and I respect my own. The only ones I don't respect are ones that are a harm or make a bad choice to society.

So yes, that's my stand and have a nice day!
I don’t really like shipping. I may have been obsessed over fictional characters, but I’ve never been that obsessed.

Fictional relationships, crossover or not, isn’t my thing.
I'm all for shipping, but I have found it annoying depending on how hard a fandom can push certain ships. Like you do you, but don't force your ship onto others... I'm also only in support for fictional character ships, and find anyone who ships real people genuinely weird because they're real people. It's uncomfortable, and I have been in that situation to a lesser extent where I was shipped with someone by former friends. It was just an uneasy feeling tbh. 😔

Back to fictional character ships though, I'm pretty chill and although I'm picky with a lot of ships, I tend to just avoid indulging in ships I don't care for. Genshin Impact is a game I play with a pretty hardcore shipping fandom and I've realized I basically dislike all of the really popular ships. I follow many artists too, and will often see ship art of couples I don't really like, but I'll like the art so I just click the like button and move on LOL. In terms of characters I ship, I don't get too crazy about the ones I like either, but I've occasionally drawn fanart of couples I really enjoyed. I recall back in 2018? Whenever The Walking Dead: The Final Season came out, I was pretty obsessed with Clementine x Violet and I indulged in like PMVs/tributes and stuff bc I was desperate for content. I remember I even went on tumblr which is a platform I never use because there was so little content on them and I wanted more haha. I definitely drew them once or twice as well.

On the topic of PMVs and tributes though, that reminds me that I definitely shipped more when I was really into anime years back. I quickly got into AMVs for my favourite couples, and I also consumed a fair amount of fanfiction for couples I was super into at the time. Honestly haven't gone back to fanfiction in so long though, idk if I could hop back into it. It was also a lot of trial and error trying to find fics that were genuinely well written. 😅

I think I'm most hardcore with shipping when it comes to my own characters. I used to love shipping characters with my friends and still do, though my friends and I don't have many ocs in the same universe so I've fallen to just shipping my own characters in my own stories and I find it pretty fun since I can write anything for their story and know it's canon, or even play around with ideas or timelines that aren't canon. It's just fun to experiment and it's genuinely fun for me to write characters falling in love. ☺️
I posted last year, but I will post again.

I love shipping. <333 I have all kinds of ships.

* I am a selfshipper (along with some of my friends)
* I have Canon x Canon ships
* I have OC x Canon ships (though only a few, I prefer to ship my OCs with other OCs nowadays)
* Like I mentioned above, I have OC x OC ships: My favorites that I have are Orchia x Manton (my main MAIN OC ship), Skye x Maurice, and Daisy x Cole
* I have OC ships that I share with friends (for example, one OC ship I have with a friend is Ron x Chiasi: Ron belongs to me, and Chiasi belongs to him) - My favorite OC ship I share with said friend is Xavier (my OC) x Adeline (his OC)

Overall I think shipping is beautiful and heartwarming. With that being said, it can get a bit messy. Sometimes ships can be problematic, not make sense, etc. Sometimes people pressure others to ship their OTPs and even attacking people for shipping something different. I am also not a fan of people who self-ship with real life people. I don't know, it just seems icky to do so, especially if it is out in the open , like online. People should content to a relationship.
I never really understood shipping wars or the current discourse around shipping. Shipping is meant to be fun, so it doesn't really make sense to spend your time attacking other people for liking things that you don't like when you could be focusing on things that you actually do like.

There are things I don't agree with, especially shipping real life people, but personally I rarely see that kind of content because I only follow artists/writers that make content I enjoy and block/unfollow if that ever changes. It's nothing personal, it just makes using the internet a more enjoyable experience.
proshippers are extremely weird and i want them to stay far far away from me

i love shipping and stuff but weird age gaps (like kids and adults), incest and abuse are a no, even if they're just fictional, ive seen too many proshippers who turned out to be weirdos even besides the shipping thing

people who ship real people are weird too

but of course i wouldn't go and harass someone for it, i just block and move on. same goes with any ship, if you decide to harass someone for what they ship you're just as bad

i have so much to say about this topic but i don't want to come off as aggressive so I'll stop here
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i always end up shipping characters in the tv shows/movies that i watch, the books that i read, and sometimes even the games that i play. however, i’ve never shipped characters that are related, have large age differences, opposing sexualities (ex. a heterosexual male character and a lesbian female character), etc— i typically only ship characters who are already together, who have been together in the past, who have been hinted at being together/are confirmed love interests for the other, and characters who i think would be good together. i’m not into shipping characters that would be morally wrong or problematic together in reality, nor am i into shipping real people with real people (especially people who are already in relationships or married).

i’m very casual when it comes to my ships— i love to talk about them and consume media about them, but i don’t go crazy over them, harass their actors/actresses or anyone who works on the media they came from, etc. i enjoy my ships in peace, and i leave people to their peace.
For me, I'm definitely a huge shipper. Except of course, with overtly problematic ships. You know the kind.
Honestly, when I’m watching something, I don’t think too much about it. I’ve never been pro or anti-ship, just kind of indifferent. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Kagome ended up with Koga, etc. but I never wrote any fanfics about them or anything. (Also, any InuYasha fanfics shipping Jaken with anyone are gross sorry.)
I ship characters all the time, and while I’m pretty particular about my ships (no large age gaps, conflicting sexualities, etc), I really don’t care what other people do when it comes to shipping. As long as they aren’t shipping real people, harassing actors, shipping incest, or doing abuser x victim stuff, I couldn’t care less. You do your thing, I’ll do mine.

When it comes to my ships, I tend to only ship characters that have a canon thing, have shown some interest to each other, or ones I think would work together well. And while I do consume media about them and talk about them, I’m a lot more casual about it (compared to some people I know… let’s just say there are some weird ships out there, and people get obsessed with them quickly).
I dont like shipping honestly, i rarely ship two characters together. I'm gonna be honest, i think is disgusting when people ship weird stuff like a human with a animal, sibling with sibling, etc. Its fictional i know, but i still think is weird.

I also dislike when people try to act like their ship is canon when its not.
I think Shipping is alot of fun, its why I've paired off my villagers, and I quite enjoy drawing them together

I do think Shipping can be a sensitive subject for some who are, super passionate about fandoms. That's where you gotta just respect other people's opinions and move on

I mean I don't really ship Creek. I had Tweek with Wendy (Still kinda do) Now my main with Tweek is with Pete!

I honestly dont pay mind to those comments about how they disagree. Like Disagree with what? I didn't ask for an opinion. I just move on, respect people's ships. its no big deal for me. Easy as that. Those who get mad just need to chill and let bigons be bigons
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I dont like shipping honestly, i rarely ship two characters together. I'm gonna be honest, i think is disgusting when people ship weird stuff like a human with a animal, sibling with sibling, etc. Its fictional i know, but i still think is weird.

I also dislike when people try to act like their ship is canon when its not.
I’m OK with human x animal as long as the animal is anthropomorphic. In fact, I’ve shipped Human x Anthro myself. 💕