Where Is Flick??


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
Hi all, my wife has not seen Flick in over 3 weeks now. She has put a good amount of bugs in her storage waiting for him. Is it possible that that is the reason he is not coming to her island? I really don't think that he knows that she is waiting for him so that is why he is not coming. Am I wrong, is it possible that he knows she has got a big stash of bugs so he is staying away? Thanks for any help.
That's kinda what we thought. She has scoured her island every day for over 3 weeks and has not seen him.
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Maybe he is spawning on top of a small cliff that was placed for just for aesthetics? This is where it would be helpful if Isabelle could tell us who's currently visiting
Honestly I feel like anytime I purposefully save up bugs or fish Flick & CJ never come 😔 Maybe that’s just me being silly.

I wish Isabelle would announce visitors though! Especially wandering ones because I’ve found Flick hiding in my orchard before. They’re tricky to see sometimes - hopefully he appears on your wife’s island soon!
I had him last week so he is still appearing, I guess that's just unfortunate luck in your game :( I wish I knew the odds better, but he is still appearing in winter, that's all I got
As already stated, each special visitor is scheduled to come at least once every 2 weeks. Your wife probably missed him (as he keeps walking and could have moved to an area she previously checked).
I had Flick yesterday and I was trying to terraform.

He stood right on the tile I wanted to work on, and I kept clicking him by accident, triggering the entire boring Flick dialogue.

It got so bad I had to fight the urge to hurl my switch into a wall, so I did what I use to do with Lyle in Wild World.

Dug a circle of holes on the beach, pushed him in, then dug another hole to imprison him.

Maddie ended up being incarcerated with him, for doing the same thing. :(
Has your wife TT'ed at all? If I'm not mistaken, TT'ing past Sunday in either direction "breaks" the schedule, so it then doesn't consider which NPCs you didn't have.

Otherwise, if she's not checking daily or not checking thoroughly enough, as has been mentioned, she might have just missed him.
honestly ive been noticing this too? i used to get flick and cj regularly, but lately they havent been coming around, strange....
If you time travel you can try to check each day at 3:30 AM. What I do is a load up the game at that time and if an NPC I'm looking for isn't on the menu screen, I enter the game and back out which usually shows what npc is currently on my island but sometimes there's a random villager still walking around or sleeping while standing lol
i saw him just yesterday, just to confirm that he's still showing up okay in winter.
UPDATE...Last night my wife pulled all the bugs out of her storage that she had been saving. She put them throughout her island with the intention of selling them at the Cranny just to get rid of them. Lo and behold first thing this morning who is walking around? Flick, I don't know if pulling them out of storage did it or if it was just impeccable timing. She took him for almost a cool mil. 🤣