Where to place campsite?


Ao of Sorami
May 7, 2013
Throwback Tickets
I have a issue on my hands which I need ideas to remedy. I want to build the camp site yet I have no idea where. My town hall's land mass is cut off by a river from the rest of the town and theres a small patch of trees near the town hall to the right. I could place it there. But I wonder maybe I should put something better in that place.
My second location is in a corner of my town between the rail road tracks and the river, it can fit but it will be hidden away looking at the waterfall (which I kinda like). Another idea is that there's a open field in one area where I plan to make a park, I could put it there but it's my least favorable. So what do you mayors suggest? What is your preference in your town?

My Town (considered areas small area to right of townhall, left top corner of map, right top open space of map): map.jpg
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Well... personally I find it weird to have a campsite next to train tracks but that's just me. xD I just imagine myself going by train to a town and seeing a tent on the way. -shrugs-

If there's only those three areas to choose from, I'd say to the right of townhall in that small area is ok (if you mean the top right near river I mean, not the space near the bridge. A tent near a bridge also seems...odd to me). It's a bit enclosed which I think fits the campsite setting.
Hmm well the reason I was going to put it in that corner was because there's a lot of public works) =p I'm still thinking something maybe be better suit there. I have a park in the works at the tip right of my map and may put it somewhere in there (if no one moves there x_x
I haven't gotten to the point where I can put the campsite yet, but personally I feel like it would be a good idea to have the campsite reasonably close to your own house.
You can have more than one work project at a time? (never tried)

I believe 30 max in your town.

Thanks for the ideas and considerations thus far. I may hold off on building it for a bit once a few things get set up first.
I put my campsite next to the path that leads down to the beach. Who wouldn't like to be able to head down to the beach while they are camping? :D
Well... personally I find it weird to have a campsite next to train tracks but that's just me. xD I just imagine myself going by train to a town and seeing a tent on the way. -shrugs-

I placed mine by the train tracks because, to me, it made sense that a traveler coming into town by train would want to be near the station so they can leave easily. I planted a lot of flowers around the site to make it pretty, though, since the tracks are kinda ugly.

Of course, sleeping near train tracks would be awful, but... it is just a game. ^_^
I will build mine in the most secluded spot in town... Come nightfall, they'll be a buffet for mosquitoes (and no one will hear them scream). :9
The triangle is the campsite. Where I am is another project which is not complete.

Ah ok, I was just wondering if where you were had significance. xD; Which confused me since the triangle thing does look like a tent...
I put my campsite in the right corner of my map, next to the train tracks. I don't really have a reason why, it just looks nice there.
I chose mine based on the following criteria:

Secluded from main buildings (who wants to go camping next to the town hall?)
Not in front of train tracks but still far enough north that I can have a couple cedars beside it (who wants to camp in front of train tracks?)
Not next to my house

The corner by the river seemed nice and cozy, and a good place for fishing, too. It just looks right. (sorry the picture is sideways for some reason)


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I have a issue on my hands which I need ideas to remedy. I want to build the camp site yet I have no idea where. My town hall's land mass is cut off...

WAIT. What are your projected placement of your 2x bridges? Placement of other important Public Works really DEPENDS on this factor!

You can have more than one work project at a time? (never tried)

If you mean WORKS in progress, no. Only 1 project may be active at any time.