Where will you put your house?

It will depend on what my town looks like. I usually place my house in a corner or by the river, or somewhere away from everything else so I have enough room to decorate the outside how I want. So I’ll probably do the same here. I’m not going to put it on the beach. It’s a cool option, I just don’t want to.
I think I'll put mine somewhere near the bottom of my town. Most of the villager houses should hopefully end up nearby to create a main town area. Then the island gradually becomes increasingly forested the further up you go.
Without knowing what map options we have I'm unsure, I don't want to do the beach because I imagine a lot of people will be going for that...maybe on the cliffs if we can put them on there overlooking the river/island
No idea.

Probably close to the beach as with every town since Wild World. :)
I was hoping to put mine in a mountain area that also serves as a cliff over the sea! But I like having neighbours so I need at least Tabby and Bam to live beside me.

However this may depend on the storyline my brain creates... I have an overactive imagination and I tend to just go off into the clouds a lot. So I'll have to see the way my island looks so I can start setting up what happened and how we got there and why we decided to live there in the first place etc...

There's also venues to take into account... Do I want my caf? in the mountains or a crafting shop? Will I put a dream suite up there or will it be better to make it a park? It's so hard to decide ヽ(१﹏१;)))=3 *~
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I really don?t know. I will decide after I?ve toured and explore the island.
It depends.

If we get the "choose a sound feature" for your house like in HHD, preferably in the middle of the island so I can change it.

If not, near the beach away from everything so I can be alone by myself in my private property.
I don't have anything in mind. I will need to see the map first. In my second town I did place a home near the beach since the rooms were beach related.
Currently, I don't have much in mind since we don't really know much about the landscape of an island yet. Or at least enough to make an educated decision.

However, since multiple layers are confirmed, I wouldn't mind sticking my house in a little nook/corner near a cliff.
if i can i'd like to put my house near a river or waterfall. i like my houses to have a nice yard and be close to water so i can hear the sounds of it without straying too far.
I'm hoping to either have my house right back against the cliff with a side garden or right on the beach surrounded by coconut trees.
Anywhere in-land that has a lot of space. Now that we can place furniture anywhere, I'd definitely want to build a nice yard/porch area.

I'd definitely make an alt villager just to keep a tent around the beach though. ;)
I'd love to be able to place it super north on the island. I always want my house surrounded by pine trees and with lots of space around it. I am obsessed with those fences, too! I'd love to place a small front yard in front of my house and have it kind of away from everything else. I just love to have to walk down to where everything else is. I'm obsessed with living somewhere where there are lots of pines and tall evergreens in real life so it makes sense I'd prefer that here too!

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The plan was to reset until I got a river island and then build my house at the top of the island and put Molly and Poppy down towards the beach.....but lately I've been reconsidering because I want to have trees with Christmas lights around my house, and cedars only grow int he northern part of town. I really hope they change that since we are on an island.
Something really tempt me to build my house at the beach and making a small neighborhood for my villagers. But it depends on the map and how much space I have at the end.
I'd like my house to be near the edge of a cliff, with a connecting path to the beach. Then I can probably freely camp in my own orchard or patch of beach.