Where's my snowflake wreath DIY, Isabelle? >=(

This happened to me too. I had to wait for three days, even though I didn't have any other ongoing event and there was no visitor staying at the campsite. I found it weird, but I eventually got it yesterday. I hope she doesn't do the same with the ornament wreath...
She sent mine this morning, which is weird, because there has been no other news since snow started to stick.
The reason Isabelle doesn't give you the wreath unless it's snowing is because of the snowflakes. When it snows for the first time during winter, Isabelle will tell you about catching snowflakes with your net, which then prompts her to give players the DIY recipe.
For me it was random, as I only got my wreath today on the 14th. I guess everyone just gets it at different times!
I haven't gotten it either, but judging by how fast I've gotten most of the other snowflake DIYs from the balloons, I'm really not too worried.

The spawn rate for new recipes seems to be VASTLY better than the rates that I was getting maple leaf, mushroom, or even the acorn/pine cone DIYs.
I read somewhere that you get it from the 15th December onwards? I can’t remember exactly where I saw that though!
I read somewhere that you get it from the 15th December onwards? I can’t remember exactly where I saw that though!

That would be the ornament wreath. Isabelle will give it to you after mentioning that she has decorated the cedar trees, and that ornaments will be falling off if the tree is bumped.
Isabelle couldn't talk about the snow on the first day because it was my birthday.
Then the next day, she talked about making Snowboys... and I didn't get a DIY.
That's weird, cause Sterling's birthday was on the 11th so I got his announcement, but I got the wreath the day after instead, and then the one about snowboys the day after. Unless the announcement is supposed to happen on December 12th I don't see why she wouldn't give out the DIY on another day.
It's only sometimes. When the Summer Shells announcement was overwritten for me, I never got the recipe from Isabelle.
I never got the wreath DIY from Isabelle either. I think it’s because of villager birthdays (Sterling) and camping villagers. She has mentioned building snowboys and collecting snowflakes. I did get the wreath Diy from a ballon. Maybe my alt will one day get the wreath diy from Isabelle.
Same thing here! The day my friend got hers, I had a campsite visitor. If I'm correct, you can't have any other announcements going on? But it's been a couple days, still no wreath DIY. It was snowing in my town yesterday, so I'm not sure if it has to be snowing... Hopefully it'll come out if a balloon!
I've never received a DIY from Miserabelle since starting in april.

So it sounds like the order of events is
1. On Dec 11th Isabelle mentions building snow men.
2. First snowfall AFTER Dec 11th she gives you the snowflake wreath.
3. December 15th Isabelle gives you the ornament wreath.

So my first snowfall after Dec 11th is today, Dec 15th so Isabelle gave me an ornament wreath, not a snowflake wreath. I’m hoping she will give me the snowflake wreath at my next snowfall, but does anyone know for sure?
So I didn't get the wreath for either of my character and I haven't found one festive or seasonal DYI's in any balloons.

There also seem to be A LOT less balloons then there used to be. I can go 15-20 minutes with nothing and then just get one. Lump of coal. Thanks Santa! 🎅
on my main island she still hasn’t given me the snowflake or ornament wreaths. Today Fauna is moving out so I think that’s why I didn’t get the ornament wreath. My second island residents did get the ornament wreath, but still no snowflake wreath for 2 of my characters.
One resident got the DIY from Isabelle, but I didn't. This season has been bad for secondary residents like myself (I'm not the primary account holder).

However, as someone else mentioned, you can always get it from a balloon (I often get redundant DIYs from balloons, including several red leaf pile recipes).