Which 2 villagers do you hope to start out with?

I don't really mind who my starters are, but it would be a dream come true if Dizzy was one of the first two!
I would love to start out with Vesta! She's been my favorite character since WW (first AC game I ever played) and I've managed to get her in every game since then. It's not a deal-breaker if the first two villagers aren't my absolute favorites, though. I'm just hoping I won't get anyone I fervently hate/dislike (which is a list of about 30 villagers, so I should be pretty safe).
Would love to have Tangy or Merengue as one of my starters! Though I'd be fine with almost anyone unless it's someone I dislike
Any of my original six from my original GCN town way back in the day (well those that still exist, RIP Ace), any wolves, horses, deer. There are plenty of others I'd be happy with, as well.
I'd really love for at least one of them to be Felicity, Lolly, Mitzi or Carmen. Ideally, if I had to choose two, it'd be Carmen & Lolly.
If it was Goldie I would be extremely excited, but I don't think I really care. I guess if its not Goldie (or Stitches), I'd want some villagers I hadn't had before.
I'm not sure yet if I want different villagers from my town or the same ones yet (probably the former).

If I go with the second option then probably Tammy and Rhonda. As for the first one...Pietro and Anicotti would be nice. And if any removed villagers come back then Meow, Bow, Pierre, or Elina I would love!
I don't really mind who I start off with, but having Peck and Olivia would be a dream!!!! ��������
It would be so good to start out with villagers I've never seen before to have fresh start for a new town and start new adventures with them. The only villager I had in acnl that I also want in acnh is Bruce because he's my boy and where I go, he go. i'm so ecited to have these new friendships with villagers I've never seen or talked to before as it's specifically this that will create great new memories
Honestly I think I wanna start with new villagers I haven't had before. It'll give me a chance to get to know them.

If I start with a gorilla, though, I'm resetting ASAP.
I really want to get as many villager pictures as possible in this game, so I don't mind whoever I start with. However, Nan has been my best friend in all the previous games and I'd love for her to come live on my island early on. I think if I get villagers I like a lot I'll try and keep them on my island but if I don't plan on keeping them I'll get their photograph and let them move when they're ready.