New Horizons fixed a lot of New Leaf's oddities but I just don't enjoy it as much.I played New Leaf solid from shortly after its release up until New Horizons came out but I don't see that happening with NH.I do like NH and I think it's certainly one of the best games in the Animal Crossing series but I prefer New Leaf.I don't feel as connected to the villagers in NH and I prefer a town to an island.I've looked at a lot of NH islands via the Dream Suite and most of them are really well done but there's a sameness to them that I didn't notice in New Leaf.I think a town is a broader canvas to work with than an island.I can deal with waiting for new features to be fact,I think that makes things a bit more exciting but I'm not crazy about crafting and I absolutely hate having my tools break all the time.
When I first read this question I immediately wanted to say NL, I absoloutely loved that game and regret selling my console and losing my town. However as mentioned in one of the posts above, the reason I have to say that I prefer NH is because I am playing consistently. I log onto my island for a few hours each day and don't seem to get bored. As much as I love NL, in the end I just couldn't commit to it and would time travel often, being impatient which if I'm honest probably spoilt the game for me. So far so good with NH, I am being patient and haven't felt the need to TT, I'm enjoying the real time aspect of escapism on a daily basis. Another great point about NH is the amount of goals, I have always been more of a quester and love completing smaller tasks to keep me motivated so this element is really great for me. It does come with its iritations, like the tools breaking, but overall I love the vibe of this game. Saying that, I may just have to buy a 3ds and kickstart a new game on NL to see how I feel about it now.
If I was asked this 8 months ago, right after release, I would have said New Leaf in a heartbeat, but I’ve logged more hours on New Horizons than I ever did on New Leaf after Welcome Amiibo. That means I logged more hours on New Horizons in 8 months than I did on New Leaf in 4 years. Even though New Leaf has the better furniture and dialogue, and as quite a few people have said, I’ve voted New Horizons because I honestly keep coming back daily, instead of taking long breaks and then playing for a week and so forth in New Leaf.
Honestly I love both but for different reasons. I miss being able to save QR codes to reuse them later instead of always having to manually enter them a whole bunch. I also miss the mini games and Tortimer's Island from New Leaf. I love the different clothes and styles in New Horizons and the fact that we have such a bigger place to decorate with. I also love being able to terraform and having the ability to put furniture outside. I also love how detailed the game looks.