amiibo Festival Which amiibo would you like to see added?

Bill, Deli and Ken. Out of the three I could only see Bill being made since he is not brand new and shows up on multiple things (such as the Nintendo animal crossing playing cards) and the cover of happy home designer.
The Nooklings! It would be funny if they were together in game and as a single amiibo.
I've thought about it a bit more, it'd be nice to see Pelly and Pete get amiibo since they're often forgotten but have been in the games since the begining!
I want a lief, he was such a little cutie, but Sable and Labelle have not been confirmed for the game yet, so all three f the sistered would be cool
I'd love to se my darlings Savannah, Gaston and Beardo as amiibo figures but since that'll never happen I'll go with Gretchen.
I feel like one of the pelicans should have got an amiibo. I mean all 3 of them aren't even in the first 2 series of amiibo cards. Where are they? D:

I'd love a Jingle amiibo too. Though it's probably a good thing there isn't one because I'd probably end up buying like 20 of them.

Also, I think it's a bit silly there isn't a female villager amiibo. Pretty sure a majority of AC players are female, and I am still of the opinion instead of reprinting the male villager amiibo with a new face they could have added eyelashes and then a new hairstyle. And then several people would have been inclined to own one of each aswell.
Hmm, I would choose Sable, Tortimer, Katie and the girl villager.
And if I had to choose regular villagers it would have to be Poppy, Goldie, Bree or Rosie.
Hmm, I would choose Sable, Tortimer, Katie and the girl villager.
And if I had to choose regular villagers it would have to be Poppy, Goldie, Bree or Rosie.

Sable has both a figure and a card amiibo, and Tortimer, Goldie and Rosie are cards

I'd love to see Brewster as an amiibo, but I'm also kind of hoping they're going to do villagers even though I think it's doubtful... I need 10 Ankha figures
Sable has both a figure and a card amiibo, and Tortimer, Goldie and Rosie are cards

I'd love to see Brewster as an amiibo, but I'm also kind of hoping they're going to do villagers even though I think it's doubtful... I need 10 Ankha figures

Yeah forgot about Sable sorry, they released so many new Amiibo, I lose track, also I?d love to have my favourite characters as Amiibo but I guess it won?t happen T.T