Which Animal Crossing has the best soundtrack? **POLL**

I think sometimes nostalgia can hinder judgement, but even after saying that "population growing" (never heard it called that before) is definitely my favorite of all the soundtracks. I'm not saying it the best, just my favorite. I think it's because it brings back such memories and good feelings from when I would play as a kid. Not necessarily because it's technically better than the rest. NL's soundtrack comes second because it feels so cohesive, like they really are part of one piece, and I especially enjoy the PM tunes. Even though I played WW religiously, I don't really remember the soundtrack. Wasn't very memorable. That or I always kept the sound off.
Population Growing had those good jams, so I'd probably go with that. But Wild World songs are the ones that pop into my head most frequently. I guess I don't mind New Leaf music, either.
Definitely the WW soundtrack for me! Every now & then I still check it & the music is just so calming & nostalgic.
I adore the GC soundtrack. It's not so much about nostalgia as it is just... good background music. Nice, inoffensive, comforting. I like it a lot and consider it my favorite. I didn't play much of CF or WW so I can't comment on those; they didn't leave any lasting impressions on me for the few weeks I spent with them. New Leaf's soundtrack, though, is ace. Sometimes I wish I could sub in the old GC one or that there were "updated" versions of the GC tracks that I could get as KK Slider songs or something, but alas... 'twas not meant to be.