Which Animal Crossing has the better music?

Which Animal Crossing has the better music?

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Senior Member
Jul 30, 2013
Orange (Fruit)
So out of these two games, which music do you prefer? I have both games and I really can't decide.
I would like to choose New Leaf, but then again, City folk music just brings back so many memories ugh
So, what would you choose?? :)
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I like a lot of the in store music New Leaf has. But for hourly music, I really loved the GameCube version's music. Maybe I just like the nostalgia, but I thought it was very well put together and the night music was absolutely awesome!
I didn't include the other games because I haven't played them that much so I don't know if the music was the same or not or anything. xD
Hm. Between those two, it's gotta be New Leaf. But if it was left to all Animal Crossing games, I would pick the Gamecube version. I didn't even play that one, but every time I've listened to one of the songs on Youtube it's been great.

1 PM has meowing kitty cats, for example.
Ugh I wish we could read the poll and decide between City Folk and New Leaf and NOT pick Gamecube.

I prefer City Folk's hourlies, except for 7PM and 1AM, of course.
I edited your poll to add in the Gamecube version. :)
Gamecube definitely. I loved how all the tunes had a driving beat and creative sampled noises thrown in there. However, New Leaf does have a better relaxed style to it and Wild World had my favorite opening theme.
Wild World had the best opening theme.. Some hourly musics of WW/CF are better than NL, and vice versa.. For example I think 12PM and 10PM of WW/CF are better than NL's.. But NL's 4PM and 7PM are better.. So it's a mixed bag.. I've never played much of the GameCube version, but it's alwayssounded like it's had good music, from listening to it on others videos
There are a few songs from NL and GC I like, but I think overall, WW/CF had the best music.
I voted for New Leaf but I mean Gamecube

I'm not being Nostalgic, but the Gamecube music is stronger. Preferably the 1AM-8AM music
A very close second is New Leaf. Sorry, but the meowing kitties just did it for the Gamecube.
And I don't mind Wild World, but there's only a few tracks I like. :/

Oh look, I don't have to wait 24 hours to post something. ;)
If only I could vote for two results. I really like both New Leaf's and the Gamecube version's soundtracks. To me, WW/CF's ones aren't that memorable. Each to their own obviously, but that just the case for me. I voted for New Leaf only because I haven't played on the Gamecube one for a while now, I really need to again.
GameCube, by far. New Leaf and City Folk both have some good songs, but this is one area in which the GameCube game is still the best.
I liked the GameCube songs, but I prefer NL, now. I really like collecting all of K.K's songs. I love his album covers, too!
I haven't started collecting music on new leaf yet, therefore I must go with Let's go to the city :D My fave is condor as it sounds like the music I had for my dance exam :D (Ghost Dance)