I got Steg the stegosaurus and he's pretty cute. It also said I share a birthday with Ghoul and Ghoulianne. However, I did some extra digging and found out I also share a birthday with Hello Kitty! That's a win in my book.
I used to have them both, once upon a time. I actually used to own most of the ones that have so far been mentioned in this thread. I had somewhere in the realm of 150 of them, collected between 1999-2006, but unfortunately lost them all due to an incident where they were all damaged. The only one I have left now is the TY Classic Dancer, who was stored elsewhere at the time.
Buzzfeed showed picture of glow (above) as my birthday twin. I had no idea there were insect beanie babies, I hate that they chose this one out of all my birthday twins LOL. I also got Frank the dog (below), Mooosly the cow, and Pongo the penguin. I'd pick Frank any day bc the plush looks just like my boyfriend's dog. c:
I used to be a diehard collector for these. The Zodiac collection, special editions, evern the McDonalds toys. Visits to the ‘Beanie Baby Hut’ at my local mall were weekly.
Never thought to look for my birthday twin, who happens to be the cutest bear, Quivers.