I bought the train pieces!!! I was so excited to see train collectibles be released and I instantly knew I wanted them. I love trains and these collectibles are so cozy! I ended up buying a huge train (but I can hide some of the carts later and have a smaller train) and I'm so thrilled with it. Choo Choo!!!
I've decided on purchasing a Blue Christmas Stocking, a Froggy Snowman, a 3 piece train (engine, sleek car, and caboose) and a Moon Bunny fragment! I was going to skip out on the train initially but it's really grown on me and I think I would regret it later if I didn't grab one.
I only purchased the moon bunnies frag and a blue stocking collectible. I spent the rest of my gumdrops on the raffles. It was probably not the best idea lol, but oh well. what’s done is done.
I bought a Lost Star Fragment MB first, then only recently bought a Crystal Tree and train set pieces. I was unsure about the train, but after displaying it I like it a lot more! I also bought a Froggy Snowman with TBT.
I was going to go all in on the raffle as a star wand is a dream for most of us. Sensible head as I love the train so will enjoy this. And a girl gotta try
For a while, I figured I wanted a Blue Holiday Candle, a Blue Christmas Stocking, a Tockoid and a Crystal Tree. And of course the Moon Bunny Fragment to sell/trade like I mentioned in my previous message.
However, what ultimately ended up happening was that I found someone selling a cheap Blue Christmas Stocking and bought that, and used my Gumdrops on a Moon Bunny fragment for a trade, then got myself a Crystal Tree and nine Tockoids. Got a tenth thanks to Mr. Keroppi to finish the second row.
Idk. I like clown aesthetics, okay? It's a problem.