Which fanchise of Nintendo's is your favorite?

how dare you make me chose

I guess kirby. I love so much of nintendo's stuff, but kirby is so happy and cute and makes me happy and i absolutely love the lore.
Splatoon definitely. Never loved a game more in my whole life.
Animal Crossing is at a close second, though. Luigi's Mansion is also a close third, while the main Mario series is at fourth mainly because I feel the modern games are kind of lacking the good feeling I get from the New Super Mario Bros. games I grew up with (and other mario games but oh well-)
I would probably go with Pokemon. Of all the IP's Nintendo have, Pokemon is probably the only one I've loved consistently since I first played it way back in 1998.

Not that I dont love other franchises, but even with something like Zelda or Mario I'll have lost total interest for a while or skipped a game for a while, maybe play a new release out of necessity rather than having any hype for it whatsoever. Meanwhile, the only awful mainline Pokemon game I've disliked is Sun/Moon (quite a few spin offs are bad too, but also some great ones), but even then I still loved Pokemon, I go into each game looking forward to it...I just really disliked the (at the time) current game.
I'd say all in all, Mario is my favorite Nintendo franchise. After that in no particular order it would be: Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Smash Bros.
Animal Crossing, certainly, but I think my favorite is Professor Layton. I've loved that series since Day One and wish they would continue it with the Professor, although I'm willing to settle for Kat.

I also love LoZ, having played since the first games came out.
In the past I probably would have said Pokémon, but now it’s definitely Fire Emblem. The fact that I’m willing to play the Japanese only games on an emulator with English patch and that fact that I really enjoy even the old games says a lot.

This is still definitely true, though I’d like to add a couple of honourable mentions other than Pokémon. They are: Mario Kart, Harvest Moon (1996-2013)/Story of Seasons (2014-present), Splatoon and of course AC.
I could say Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing, however my heart always will be with Pokemon first. Also Smash is in the mix as well.
Animal crossing, always, obviously but I love love love pokemon and everything mario too ^^
pokemon, animal crossing, fire emblem... i think that's about it? unless you can count uhhh luigi's mansion as it's own thing haha. that'd be high up if so
I love the LOZ, Pokemon, and AC franchises, but LOZ is definitely my favorite! I downloaded Ocarina of Time onto my Wii my freshmen year of highschool and I was hooked! Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword, and Twilight Princess were some fun games too.

My 3DS and my switch are actually from Zelda bundles :') I'm really looking forward to BOTW 2.
outside of animal crossing i really love fire emblem and pokemon. like i go just as hard with those games 😭
As many others have said, Legend of Zelda. There’s just a huge amount of nostalgia attached to each of those games for me. The characters, music, stylized towns, fun combat, and open-world environments have kept me hooked for years.
Easily LoZ. There's never been a main series Zelda game that I've disliked and considering how old the series is, that's saying something. Pokemon would have been a contender but SuMo/USUM and SwSh lost me.
Would have to be Animal Crossing for me! Its the main reason why I got a switch to begin with!
Pokemon has always been my favourite but I've played New Horizons a lot more than Pokemon Sword.