Which game series/franchise have you played the most titles?

The series where I’ve played every single mainline game are Shantae and Pokémon. Games where I’ve played almost every game in their series are Zelda, Kirby, Mario, and Donkey Kong.
i have 7 ac games on my switch (via rebel collection and ezio collection)
if you count side games ive done 9
i have 7 ac games on my switch (via rebel collection and ezio collection)
if you count side games ive done 9
I have all of the AC games that are on the Switch as well. Haven’t played them as much as I’d like though. Black Flag is probably the one I’ve made the most progress with.
This is an interesting question, since I really had to think about it. If you count the overall franchise, including spin-offs, it's Mario by a landslide. Between the 2D/3D Mario games, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi, Mario sports, I've played at least 62 of the games, possibly more that I didn't count.

However, that didn't seem like a satisfying answer. Things like Mario Kart, Mario Party, etc., have become their own mini franchises in a way. With just the main series Mario games, I've only played 18 of them. So I thought about it more, and if you look at just the main series games of a franchise, Legend of Zelda would actually be the answer for me, since I've played 20 of the 21 main series games (plus 4 spin-offs), with Four Swords being the only one I haven't. That feels like the more accurate answer to me in a way.

Out of curiosity, the honorable mentions (any franchise with 10+ games total) include Sonic (19 main series, 29 total), Pokemon (16 main series, 20 total), , Assassin's Creed (12 main series/total), Metroid (all games - 11 main, 14 total), and Kirby (7 main, 12 total).
Most likely Pokémon, but honestly I don't remember all the random Mario games I've tried as a kid.
i think pokemon because i've played all the mainline games except scarlet and violet and a lot of the spin offs? just the sheer number of games they have. now, if you ask me how many pokemon there are now or the strategies of base stats and EV, i couldn't tell ya... 🤷‍♀️
Pokemon. I played all the main ones except the new scarlet and violet the games have lost my interest. Animal crossing second because iv played since game cube. I only didn't have the wii game and I tryed pocket camp but it wasn't fun to play.