Which Hairstyle Do You Like the Most?

I started with Disorderly/On Purpose, which I still like, but I might change colour...
First "guy" one, which is kinda messy and is under "Loose>Listless"
Reminds me of bedhead, which was one of the reasons I time traveled in CF, to get that hair X3 can't wait to get Shampoodles and unlock that one after getting all the other "girl" ones. (ugg)
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Stylish;Repel in dark orange is what I have right now. I love it except for how short it is in the back.

I also like Business; Fresh and Private life; Date.
Loose/Listless! I TT in CF just to get bedhead and then went back to the original day :D So messy and cute. There are a bunch I like though :)
Ive been using disorderly on purpose recently, as it was my starter one. I quite like it, so don't know if I'm going to change it.
My favorite is definitely Business > Fresh; lookin' fresh to death. Mmmhmm.
I think I'll go with Business > Fresh (female, of course) this time around. It fits more into the look I'm wanting right now.

If only I could get it within the next century, though. =(
Pretty > Styling for female. :)

Once I unlock Shampoodle my character will have that hairstyle in pink. I'd dye my own hair pink if I could be bothered with the upkeep - so in RL it's ginger (not my natural colour, but far easier to maintain than pink!).