Which is your favorite dust?

Which event dust is your favorite?

  • Carnival Dust

    Votes: 11 12.9%
  • Space Dust

    Votes: 13 15.3%
  • Fairy Dust

    Votes: 34 40.0%
  • Dark Dust

    Votes: 9 10.6%
  • Star Dust (same as space dust, but with the correct name, votes for that count for this)

    Votes: 18 21.2%

  • Total voters
You guys, it was called Star Dust, not Space Dust! It was only 3 months ago!!

Oops. ^o^;>

Well, now there's a new option on the poll. So, you can change your vote if you want, otherwise, votes for both star dust and the mistakenly named space dust will count as star dust. Not that it really matters. No prizes for the winners. XD

I'd change the "space dust" option to its proper name, or remove it entirely, but that doesn't seem to be an option for editing polls, which is understandable, otherwise you could just make it look like everyone voted for something else after the fact. So, I did my best with the options available.
My favourite was Fairy Dust even though it meant donating to Farley (🤢) and Serena (😡), my sworn mirror enemies.
Tough to decide between fairy dust/star dust, but had to go with star dust. I feel like with that event, we had the dust/cooldowns pretty close to figured out, and were able to get a ton of dust in a very short time.
I didn't actually participate in the others so I just voted star dust because I like the name.
Dark dust was one of my favourite April fools events so gotta go for that ✨ my eyes have never been the same since ✨

Stardust was my second favourite, I loved the space camp!
It was for the 2021 April Fool's event, when we got "dark" mode for the site, where, the more dark dust you had, the brighter it actually got. To the point that it was kind of painful and blinding. XD
I think I must have been lurking too hard! I noticed there was a dark theme, but I don't think I ever got any of the dark dust so I totally missed that half of the joke!
Dark dust was definitely the best dust ✨ (One day real dark theme maybe?)

I like fairy dust! At least I don't react allergic to it 🤡
I love star dust the best personally! It sounds magical and makes my heart feel warm thinking back to Camp.

It's my favorite kind of event, so I won't complain about any dust, except maybe the real kind. That stuff makes me sneeze. D: