Which Item Do You Wish You Could Interact With, And What Would It Do If You Could?

I want the phone booths to at least open and close and access my closet. Even better if they would dial the psychic hotline like the old Lovely Phones so I could wear a lucky item each day!
Yes, I also wish I could interact in any way with the phone booth. I don't even need to change clothes like Clark Kent, although that would be fun.
I would say the snack and drinking machines. Would be funny if you could spend like 100 bells for a sandwich or a drink which you can carry around like your villager do and even eat/drink it at some point. I'm also disappointed that you can use the pool, like if the villagers at least could use it, then it wouldn't be such a waste of Nook Miles. Interacting with the playground items would be nice too, like come on Nintendo, let me and my villagers use the dang Springy ride-ons. 😔
Also, I wish I could float things on ponds, like decoy ducks. I understand it wouldn't work on rivers/streams, but still water would be possible.
The signpost items being functional. Similar to Minecraft, you'd be able to tap 'A' beside one, input text, and visitors would then be able to read your signs when visiting. Useful for naming specific areas of your island and helping direct people to them.

One thing I miss from the early AC games was being able to make a wish in the fountain. I'd love to have that interaction with the fountain DIY instead of it being just for show. If they bring back a fully functional luck system, this could play a part in it. Maybe you'd get rewarded for wishing a certain amount of times? A drinking animation for the drinking fountain/garden faucet would be a nice touch as well.
I really want to be able to interact with TVs more, such as be able to change the channel, put on music, change volume, etc.
My dream is that animal crossing could cook with fruits, fish or bugs, i think that it will be interesting.