Gonna definitely do the exteriors of all of them for sure. Interiors I might change around a little. Except for Dom. I hate when villagers have a "outdoor" interior like he does. He's definitely getting a home makeover.
Tbh I'll use it to change up my villagers, there's villagers that I have just because of how the exterior looks. I like them all but it would be nice to have a change.
I'm probably going to do Tangy's and Moe's, in part because I want their houses to be more coherent, but also because I sold them both sea basses recently and it uhhh kinda messed up their homes a little bit haha
pretty much all of them ngl... though for some, it'll be just a little fixing up instead. but some I really wanna change, like Clay's... I love Clay but I dislike villager houses with large items in the center.