Which person/people do you trust the most?

My boyfriend for sure. I can tell him almost everything.

Though, growing up, I never felt comfortable sharing ANYTHING with anyone so I basically became my own best friend when it came to keeping secrets.
my parents and my best friends and def a few of my branched off family members. but there are few people i feel i can trust with every and anything.
Probably my mum or my best friend.
I know both of them wouldn't tell a soul if I didn't want them to. :)
At the moment I'm not trusting anyone. And this is very bad and serious for me, but I feel that I no longer have the freedom to talk to anyone at the moment, especially things that require a lot of confidence.
My parents, siblings, bestfriends(the most<3) and close friends. :blush: I trust people very easily.
Only my best friend, pretty much. I don?t really trust anyone else though.
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