Which personalities do you have duplicates of?

Once I get Ribbot and Pekoe's pictures and replace them and Kabuki with Cephalobot, Rio, and Tiansheng, my villager count by personality will be:

2 Smug, 2 Peppy, 1 Snooty, 1 Cranky, 1 Jock, 1 Normal, 1 Sisterly, 1 Lazy
I love snooties, I've always had a soft spot for them. I have Tasha, Tiffany, and Judy. Also a big fan of normals, they're just so sweet.
My villagers are:


Probably the most unique set. Normal, lazy, smug cranky island lol
2 normals, 2 peppy and 2 jock. I'm currently lacking a smug villager but that may change in the future.
Two jocks, two peppy, and two normal lol

Jock is my favorite personality, and the other two are just because I liked the villagers
2 snooties and 2 peppy's. I usually have more normals but somehow that went out the window when I started my new town lol. To be fair, my second peppy replaced one of my normals.
My duplicates are a normal and a snooty. I think they’re the best personalities for duplicates and they have some of my favourite designs!
I have two snooty and two lazy, one of everything else. I keep one of each so I don’t miss out on any crafting recipes, no real reason for the duplicates.
My duplicates are peppies, it’s my favorite personality type <3 other than that, I have one of each type.
I have one of each personality and my duplicates are Lazy and Peppy. I love Shino design too much so I'll put up with having two peppies. I was really hoping she would be a snooty but she is the only peppy deer.
the duplicates personalities that i have in my current island are lazy and normal villagers:
- Beau and Stitches (my two babies ;-;)
- Molly and Coco (i love Molly the cute duck and Coco is so special) :3
2 lazies (Sasha and Sherb)
2 peppies (Audie and Shino)

I wish the lazies had different dialogue though, whenever they say stuff like "the bugs told me you were coming this way" I feel a little creeped out 😳
Peppies and lazies. Apple and Ketchup are my fruit cuties and Sherb and Sasha are the BOIS.
Jock is the best personality and their villagers are the best designed
So naturally, I will always have at least 2
I have 2 normals, 2 snooties, and 4 peppies. Missing a jock, uchi, and cranky.

I admittedly don't talk too much with my villagers... I had 5 normals at one point. I do miss having a cranky, though, so maybe will switch out one of the peppies.
Jock and Snooty. I didn't really plan it out that way, I just happened to get 2 Jocks and 2 Snooties that I really liked.
I have 3 normals and 2 smugs atm, haha…
I’m going to be letting Flurry go sort of soon, though, because she has the starter house, doesn’t fit my island aesthetic, and has the same personality subtype as Pekoe (my queen). Adore her, though.
I really wish we had like 2-5 extra villager slots, because sometimes just having ten is hard. Lol