my biggest one is definitely the clothes one, even though I mainly wear the same few outfits. the problem is that I like to buy all or almost all the variants of clothes I like in ables, and then get too lazy to go take out the ones I don't want and sell or trash them. and then there's also a part of me that get's worried I'll need them in the future so I have multiples of a lot of the basics, like plain leggings and boots that I like since I want extras to use in my wand outfits
Clothes for sure! I love getting different variations of the same outfit and trying out different combos. I'm really glad that the last update had storage expansion because I had already run out of room because of my clothes collection!
Oh, definitely my clothes. Whenever I see something cute I tend to buy it in every colour even if reasonably I only need it in one or two. Add on the clothing I get from villagers or balloons and it really adds up fast.
The second biggest storage consumer would be seasonal items! I can’t bring myself to sell the autumn furniture I’ve made that required acorns because they were a pain to find, and I don’t want to sell my Halloween DIYs! But I’ll probably end up having to since they weren’t that material heavy to make and my storage is constantly full
On my main character it would be clothing, definitely, clothing. I love experimenting with different styles and I constantly try out new clothing. Close second is probably materials.
My other characters are hoarding non purchasable items and extras.
I used to run a catalog shop. Furniture takes the brunt of my storage space. However, I am taking it easy nowadays. I don't want to run into the hassle of filling it up again. Can Nintendo just give me unlimited storage please?
Clothes because I buy multiples in different colors. I'm sort of a hoarder, it's a problem. Creatures do take a lot of space too while I'm waiting for Flick and CJ's next visits.