I don't know which has the best dialogue, but I can tell you which personality type has the worst dialogue - jocks. All they ever talk about is muscles and fitness. It drives me insane. Talk about something else for a change! Maybe I'm just not a fan of "gym bros" so to speak, because I myself certainly can't relate to the dialogue since I can barely work out due to health conditions. I think the type I relate to most is normals or peppies, because I certainly wouldn't mind being a rock star (instead of a pop star)!
10000% The best villager personality type dialogue is Jock every Jock type islander I have ever had has been so sweet and they make me laugh the things they say
I could've sworn jock was in the top 3 when I last saw this poll. Now they're last?? I mean I totally get why but still... they're my fav in all AC games including NH. Love those supportive himbos <3
Sisterly is both funny and comforting.
Every sisterly character has easily become of a favorite of mine when they've moved to my island or town! I also love their nonconforming laid-back personalities.
Here are some examples of what I mean:
Fuchsia (love her) is being so kind and creating a comforting, open atmosphere as soon as you step in.
Sisterly villagers also offer the best advice. They're honest but not pessimistic people.
Also, all of them have a down to earth but also grunge vibe to them and I really dig that.
for me, it's a tie between the cranky and smug villagers - but i have more smug favs than i do cranky favs, so that's how i cast my vote!! i love how all the smugs are kinda posers/hipsters and give you ridiculous nicknames, they always remind me of characters like tamaki from ohshc crankys are very close, mostly bc i love the paternal vibe they have, it always makes me happy to talk to them!!
i love the crankies so much dobie nicknamed me june bug a long time ago and it makes my heart melt. they also have the cutest interactions w the peppies.
least fave is prolly jock/lazy, just bc it gets old p fast and with lazies i feel like im talking to a little kid lol
Well, I voted peppy bc they remind me of my crazy friends, but cranky villagers are so, so great. On the other hand, snooty villagers are so rude and I very much dislike them.
Sisterly because they are probably the only personality that is really honest of what they are talking about and they are pretty introverted/insecure of how they feel. Which relates a lot to me.
I voted for sisterly/uchi. I have a very strong connection to Paula in this game and she was always talking about "back home" and how she was looking out for me, which resonated more in the beginning because I was so unhappy with her being a random move-in so early in my first island. Over time it came off as really sweet and reliable, and as I talked to her more and more I really felt like she was opening up to me and her hard exterior was falling away.
I do enjoy smug and snooty dialogues as well, and have one of the funniest villager convos saved as a video I'll have to find and add to this thread.
Lazy, probably.
Though in NH the dialogue is lacking majorly, so the villagers fall a bit flat. Unfortunately due to that, I rarely speak to my villagers.
not surprised to see the results fairly even since dialogue is pretty subjective, but I will say that I really love what they did with the sisterlies/uchis in this game. the fact that they have a bunch of anecdotes about their past rebellious phases is so endearing. they can be a bit rough around the edges, which gives their dialogue a bit of a funny, aggressive kick, but it also makes it all the more rewarding when you befriend them and they soften up. they really do feel like guiding, protective older sister figures.
lazy!!! hornsby saying he's glad that he knows me when he came round to my house?? legit cried my dudes. lazy and jock villagers convos are some of the best in my head quinn's my girlfr- IDC YES IM SAYING IT