Who appears the most when it comes to visiting dream islands?


F1 fan who loves onions
Jul 5, 2018
Pink Love Letter
Rad Heart Balloon
Fresh Heart Balloon
Hot Heart Balloon
Rad Heart Balloon
Blue Toy Car
Blue Famous Mushroom
Cool Heart Balloon
Crown Trophy
Blue Hybrid Hyacinth
I've been taking advantage of my online subscription for a while now by visiting some dream islands. I noticed that at least 80% of the dream islands I visit always has Beau in it and it's driving me crazy lol. I know he is fairly popular, but him appearing is more frequent than the other popular villagers. I'd like to know if you experienced something similar as well.
for me it's felicity. which is funny cus i have her on my island too. i've ran into her maybe twice now.
I think I've seen Sherb most often. I've never had him but now have the outside of his house memorized because I see it in most dream addresses I visit. No complaints though, he's pretty cute.
i feel like every island i go to has ketchup or merengue, 2/3 of my least favourite villagers

i also see raymond and judy a lot since they're new and stuff but i like them so they don't really bother me as much as the other lol
I feel like I see Fauna a ton! She’s everywhere - especially on any cute/fairy themed island. No hate here, just gets a bit old after awhile!
I see Marshal everywhere, He's cute and all but I do get bored of him :p
Most of the dream islands I've visited all have etheir raymond, Judy, sherb, merengue, or all 4.
(It's funny because the dream islands look so different yet they have the same villagers)
Hmmmm....I've only visited a few dreams but I feel like the popular ones (Marshal, Judy, etc.) are seen the most. I love when I run into a random Truffles and I'm like...oh loook at youuuuu....
Usually those same old villagers: Judy, Raymond, Marshal (yeah, I know), Sherb, Francine & Chrissy together. etc...
Mainly the meme ones everyone loves,which I'm not knocking them for. I guess its a way to kinda "flex"
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I see a lot of sherb and molly which are both dreamies of mine
maybe thats why i notice them so much? because i love them aha
Besides those already mentioned several times, I feel like I see molly a lot (already mentioned but not as much and I feel like she is very common). Merengue appears a lot too. And Diana too much (because i don’t like her, so my sense of how often I see her is probably off).

i would never never never want anyone to choose villagers for their island based on what other people want, but it is always extra exciting when you see an unusual or more ‘rare’ (as in not commonly found on dream islands) villager.

however, I have also found that even though you see certain villagers a lot, it is actually rare to see an island of all popular villagers,. Many people have certain popular villagers (which makes sense, that’s what being popular means, lots of people like them) but pretty much everyone also seems to have at least one or two favorites who are not at the top of any popularity list. I love seeing who those villagers are for different people ☺.
i've probably been to well over 100 islands and i tend to notice marshal, beau, raymond, judy, sherb, lolly, fauna, poppy, zucker, and diana. i have a few of them myself, popular villagers are popular for a reason lol
Mostly the new villagers, but I do see Bianca and Skye quite often. I have both of them in my town.

I feel like Nintendo made certain villagers really common. I remember going to the Island for the first time to see who the villager would be, and it was Bertha. I wouldn't ask her to move in, but my son also had Bertha right off and he let her move in. I later noticed Bertha lived in my sister's town and recently, my daughter's boyfriend bought the game, and you guessed it. Big Bertha was in his town.
Mostly the new villagers, but I do see Bianca and Skye quite often. I have both of them in my town.

I feel like Nintendo made certain villagers really common. I remember going to the Island for the first time to see who the villager would be, and it was Bertha. I wouldn't ask her to move in, but my son also had Bertha right off and he let her move in. I later noticed Bertha lived in my sister's town and recently, my daughter's boyfriend bought the game, and you guessed it. Big Bertha was in his town.

in a sense, because of how The mystery islands work some villagers are more likely for you to find. The island random generator ‘rolls’ for one of the species first, and then randomly selects a villager from that species (after the first three move-ins the mystery islands do not weight and particular personality). So for species with less members each individual in that species will be slightly easier to find than a specific individual villager from a species with lots of members.

there’s only 7 hippos in new horizons...so that is a pretty small group!

octopus, the smallest species really makes this obvious. Nearly everyone seems to have a ‘I constantly run into Octavian/ zucker/ marina’ issue. (And because it is the way of rng, it is always their least favorite octopus that haunts them😋)

sorry, kind of off topic, but I do think that is an interesting side effect of how the rng mechanic for mystery islands works.
I learned something. If someone has a lot of user created profiles on their island you can see all of them walking in the dream. Of course I am someone who has 8 of them and when I got to an island that has 8 users its very rare to see all of them walking.