I was never too big on dreaming even in NL. Sometimes I did just to see something different but I feel like with dodo codes now it's much easier and fun to visit an island in real time, shop, etc.
Those beautified islands only look good in pictures imo. Whenever I visit an island with gorgeous pictures, I didn't really like them :/ And super cluttered islands aren't my cup of tea.. the lag kills the experience.
Honestly I'm not a huge fan of visiting extremely popular islands that have every single item perfectly placed and a million hours in the game. I've had much more fun on more modest islands that have really creative ideas. I went to a couple of aesthetic islands and it was just constant frame rate drops, which kind of took the fun out of things.
My island is super cluttered so I want more free room to explore on the islands I visit!
I'm glad other people kinda feel the way I do! I found a Dream Address for an island that seemed well received, but when I went there, I was really annoyed by how restrictive the pathing was. Whether it was in-game items blocking my path or actual terraforming, I couldn't openly run around the island and explore like I wanted. I wouldn't call myself a claustrophobic person but it made me understand how that could feel! I was gonna look at all the residence houses and the villager houses but I ended the dream early.
Yes, most of these islands look pretty in screencaps but damn are they awful to actually walk around in. I couldn't imagine playing everyday on an island designed like that.
I once visited an island that was built like a modern Japanese City, with lots of shops/items cluttered in a small space and although it was quite an amazing experience, the frame rate drops and the pop ins did hinder it a bit. Also, I really love that the rescue service is a thing in dream islands as islands with a lot of entryways and items displayed make it quite hard to return back to the plaza. I'm so used to the minus button on the switch for saving and quitting that when I try and do that on a dream island I get surprised when all i see are the report functions (which i think should be moved to somewhere else imo)
I surely like watching people how to build and design islands into their liking.
In my case, I draw enjoyment from doing online trades and helping out people to achieve their dream islands. I am way too busy to bother touring someone's dream island.