Okay I am
finally ready to tackle this question!! I was waiting until I was on my laptop because I know I'll need to refer back to a villager guide tons, lol.
-Bam! He's so cute and he's my current jock, I love him.
-Rudy! I've never actually had Rudy, but he looks so cute with his little red nose
-Bill! Little duck. I've never had him either but he's so cute and small
-Frobert!!! I had this little guy in my New Leaf town before he left me without warning

He's cute though I love him!
-Roald! I don't think this round little penguin needs an explanation.
-Phoebe! Uchi's are my least favourite personality type but I like Pheobe's design.
-Shari! I want her back. I had her in my New Leaf town and I feel like she was actually really sweet?? Sweetest of the Uchi's lol.
-Cherry! I remember having her in New Leaf, she gave me medicine when I was stung by wasps.
-Frita! Her design makes me laugh, lol. I love the little sheep villagers.
-Fuschia, I suppose? I have her in my second New Leaf town right now and she seems cool
-Murphy! My little grumpy bear, I love him so much.
-Rocco!! He was my first grumpy villager ever, I love him so much.
-Bam! He's in my main New Leaf town and I love him.
-Butch! I've never had Butch but I like the angry eyebrows.
-Fang! He's just so pretty looking, lol.
This was actually really tricky?? I didn't realize how many Cranky designs I actually like! I love the ones that look grumpy, lol. Soft spot for Hopper & Hamphrey, also Gaston!! Weird little mustache bunny, there's just something about him.
Oh no. This one is going to be
so tricky. I feel like 99% of the time when I see a cute villager they end up being the Normal type. D: I just looked at the list and had to stop scrolling because they're
all so cute.
-Molly! Such a sweet little duck, so small and cute.
-Lolly! I love her and have her in New Horizons, she's so cute.
-Flurry!! I know not everybody loves the hamster designs but I love her so much
-Fauna! She is so pretty, I love her.
-Maple! Oh the little bear cubs are some of my favourites, I love him.
But honestly? For the normal category I nominate them all!
-Egbert!!! Egbert is my boy and I love him
-Sherb! He's quickly become my second favourite, such a sweet, sleepy, winter goat.
-Beau! I love him so much too
-Erik! He is just so darn cute, I might try to get him in my second New Leaf town.
or Filbert! This was honestly a toss up, because I love them both so much.
-Gabi! I met her for the first time in New Horizons and I love her so much, she's got such a cute design!
-Peggy! I love her tons, too. She was my first peppy ever so she'll always be special to me.
-Bluebear! She is so cute oh my goodness
-Wendy! There's just something about her little face, I love her (but I wish the sheep didn't wear shirts in New Horizons D: compresses their fluff)
-Pinky! I love her tons, too. She was my first peppy in New Horizons and she's so cute
-Henry!! My little smug boy, I love him
-Shep! The one that got away. I just could
not get this smug fellow to move in from my campsite D:
-Marshal! I feel like spiritually this boy is cranky at heart, lol. I love him
-Colton! I grew to love him and his snazzy clothes, he was fun to buy outfits for.
-Lopez! He also wouldn't move in from my campsite and I am forever sad D:
-Diana! I love her, she's on my island right now and she's so pretty
-Whitney! She's so... cool. Elegant. Refined. Love her
-Willow! I've had her in New Leaf and she is so fun
-Blanche! I've never had her but I like her design
-Blaire! I haven't had her either but she is so cute.
Oof that took a long time

But there's my list! Definitely not perfect, it was really hard to narrow down my choices to five but this was a lot of fun to do!