Although I know some of you guys on this forum to a certain extent, I don't really know you, if you catch my drift? I thought it would be a nice idea if I created a little survey for you to tell us about yourself xD
I'll write it out so you guys can just copy and paste it to answer and then i'll add my own information in.
About yourself: I'm 15 and I live in the south-east of the UK. My interests are technology, games, photography and cycling. I'm a Christmas maniac so as you could of probably guessed, i'm really loving this time of year xD
What do you think people like about you?: I guess my sense of humour and how I just tell the truth and speak my mind, no matter the situation. I also like to stick up for my friends and help people if they need help.
What do you think people hate about you?: I would assume that me telling the truth and speaking my mind could also go into this section, seeing as most people seem to hate it on this forum. Also that I take first impressions so seriously, I practically make my mind up about someone the first chance I can ;P
What do you like about yourself?: The fact that I can just get things done without any messing about.
What do you hate about yourself?: The fact that I speak my mind, it isn't always the best thing to do XD
What annoys you?: People. There are a lot of annoying things in the world but I would have to say certain people are the most annoying things I could ever dream of.
What makes you laugh?: A lot of things make me laugh, I think I laugh too much sometimes D; I can't even be bothered to list all of them here.
What kind of people do you like?: I like people who are interesting and people who have a lot of opinions on things. I also like people who have some common sense and don't have to rely on everybody for everything.
What kind of people do you hate?: I hate people who unnecessarily talk to you, whether that be through a phone call, on an instant messenger or in real life. I think it's just a complete waste of time when all they want to say is, "Hi." I also don't like people who jump to conclusions or think they know everything. I hate people who lack in common sense or people who can't type a few extra characters in their sentences, they feel like they have to type in text talk >_<
Well that's mine. Feel free to answer any way you like, also feel free to add any other questions if you want to tell people something else about yourself or remove some if you don't want to answer something. I might add more to mine later on if I think of anything else to add, but right now i'm happy with it.
I'll write it out so you guys can just copy and paste it to answer and then i'll add my own information in.
About yourself:
What do you think people like about you?:
What do you think people hate about you?:
What do you like about yourself?:
What do you hate about yourself?:
What annoys you?:
What makes you laugh?:
What kind of people do you like?:
What kind of people do you hate?:
What do you think people like about you?: I guess my sense of humour and how I just tell the truth and speak my mind, no matter the situation. I also like to stick up for my friends and help people if they need help.
What do you think people hate about you?: I would assume that me telling the truth and speaking my mind could also go into this section, seeing as most people seem to hate it on this forum. Also that I take first impressions so seriously, I practically make my mind up about someone the first chance I can ;P
What do you like about yourself?: The fact that I can just get things done without any messing about.
What do you hate about yourself?: The fact that I speak my mind, it isn't always the best thing to do XD
What annoys you?: People. There are a lot of annoying things in the world but I would have to say certain people are the most annoying things I could ever dream of.
What makes you laugh?: A lot of things make me laugh, I think I laugh too much sometimes D; I can't even be bothered to list all of them here.
What kind of people do you like?: I like people who are interesting and people who have a lot of opinions on things. I also like people who have some common sense and don't have to rely on everybody for everything.
What kind of people do you hate?: I hate people who unnecessarily talk to you, whether that be through a phone call, on an instant messenger or in real life. I think it's just a complete waste of time when all they want to say is, "Hi." I also don't like people who jump to conclusions or think they know everything. I hate people who lack in common sense or people who can't type a few extra characters in their sentences, they feel like they have to type in text talk >_<
Well that's mine. Feel free to answer any way you like, also feel free to add any other questions if you want to tell people something else about yourself or remove some if you don't want to answer something. I might add more to mine later on if I think of anything else to add, but right now i'm happy with it.