Who are your hated villagers?


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Mar 6, 2024
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I feel like (before NH at least) everyone had a villager they hated for silly reasons. Who do you hate? Do you still get annoyed by your villagers in New Horizons?
I hate Olivia and Opal and I can’t even remember why 😂
I haven’t had the same experience in New Horizons though and I honestly miss it lol
If we're just talking about villagers we have or had in the past:
I don't hate any of my current villagers in any of my towns or island. With my games, I pick out a theme to base my town or island around and choose villagers who I like that will fit that theme, or vice versa, choosing villagers and coming up with a theme to complement them. Since I'm choosing who I want, there's nothing to dislike.

I've disliked some villagers in the past for various reasons; Wart Jr. stalked me through numerous New Leaf towns when I wanted to experience new villagers, Jambette moved into a town unexpectedly and threw her house plot down on top of my only patch of purple hybrid roses, Canberra took forever to move out. I've since forgiven them though, and actually like Wart Jr. and Jambette for their distinct, unique designs now.

If this is open to other villagers in general:
Flurry is probably my least favorite villager. I don't like much of anything about her design. Her flesh-colored muzzle is immediately eye-catching, and not in a good way, because it emphasizes her lack of a nose. The lack of a nose thing is a personal pet peeve of mine; there are plenty of villagers who I like despite their lack of nose just because the rest of their design is strong (like Ankha or Tiffany), but Flurry is just this plain white fur hamster, so the noseless muzzle is not flattering at all. She also has these bright blue eyebrows, hands and feet and it just doesn't flow.

I also dislike Chelsea. Nothing about her design appeals to me.

No offense to anyone who likes either of them, personal taste is subjective. Not everyone's going to like the same things and that's fine.
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The only villagers I truly hate with every bone in my body is Alice and Eugene
Elise. I hate her with every bone in my body. Some villagers that I used to have bad blood with, like Mac, Fuchsia and Boone, I've come to not hate as much as I used to in the past. But not Elise. Never Elise. She gives me flashbacks of intense hatred so she is permanently banned on all of my AC games. I don't want to explain my hatred of her again, but long story short, she is a snooty and refused to leave my NL town. I found her insufferable. I tried being nice to her to get her to leave but she refused. When she did think about leaving she ended up wanting to stay just to spite me. I then did...unspeakable things...and she still wouldn't leave. It took months for her to finally go. When I did her HHP home I did the bare minimum. She deserves nothing good. Nothing. Btw I didn't make picture below. Shows how much others dislike her as well.
Out of all the villagers, Raddle is the only one I particularly hate. He reminds me of a specific period of time (you know which one) that I'd like to forget about entirely. I can't even stand to look at him directly; that's how bad it is. There are villagers I simply dislike and would prefer not to have, but I try to avoid crossing paths with Raddle at all costs.
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I've not had any villagers in NH that I've hated, come across some I dislike while island hopping such as Vic and Harry just for the amount of times they appear for me and waste my nook miles tickets but at least I can run off and leave them behind. Only villager I've really hated was Truffles in NL cause she replaced Peanut who was my favourite at the time and randomly moved away when I was on a break - Truffles proceeded to never want to move out.
Cashmere and Canberra, literal abominations who do not deserve their beautiful names!!!!
While there are villagers I hate, these five criminals would have to be my worst ever:

Merengue is my number one most hated enemy of all time, she's the most notorious for loitering around in one of my New Leaf towns, she never wanted to move out. I tried SO HARD to get along with her after I got her randomly, even though I didn't really want her. It was the last straw when I saw that she kept hanging out with T-Bone, even though he's mine... :c
I hit her, pushed her, and reported her to Isabelle at the town hall for MONTHS!

She's boring, plain, and most certainly overhyped. I gave up trying to kick her out and I reset the town to get rid of her myself.

I also hate Diva, but not for the reason people hate her. She's not even ugly at all, it's because she's also banned from showing up in my towns ever again after also expressing an interest in T-Bone. :p

Chops physically gives me the creeps, his face is very ghastly looking...he is the ugliest villager ever in my eyes.

Kid Cat is a prideful jerk whose house killed a few of my regular fruit trees. They weren't perfect, but, still...
He started fights with Doc, and wouldn't move for 5 months, and gloated to my villagers about winning a contest. He once tried to move out, but then he changed his mind.

Big Top is the only other one I have beef with. He moved in front of my town hall in my secondary New Leaf town, and he had a conversation with Vic that left him upset, while Big Top cheered...jerk.
The only villagers I truly hate with every bone in my body is Alice and Eugene
Aww shoot, I actually ship these two, and Eugene is my favorite.
Out of all the villagers, Raddle is the only one I particularly hate. He reminds me of a specific period of time (you know which one) that I'd like to forget about entirely. I can't even stand to look at him directly; that's how bad it is. There are villagers I simply dislike and would prefer not to have, but I try to avoid crossing paths with Raddle at all costs.
I love Raddle, but what happened 4 years ago doesn’t reflect how I feel about him at all.
Cashmere and Canberra, literal abominations who do not deserve their beautiful names!!!!
I understand why people hate these two, but Cashmere is one of my favorites!

Anyway, about my least favorites, I used to hate Gladys for invading my villager’s catchphrases for her own, but not anymore.
It is Ankha I hate the most. She is a national icon for…. Well… you know what I mean. I can never look at her the same way again.
I think my most hated villager ever is Mallary. one of those cases of a villager who basically bulled me in AC:GCN, but also her design is horrendous lol. she does the colour purple a huge disservice 😂

I used to absolutely hate Ursala bc she was a snooty villager in AC:GCN, but when they changed her to sisterly in NL/NH she started to grow on me. that personality fits her much better.

other villagers that I just hate are Weber, Frank, Cashmere, Hippeux.

also, I don't hate Roald but he honestly creeps me out so mcuh sdjfhskdjgksjdkh
Barold 😭 this little ugly “bear” (can we even call him a species) moved to my nl town. he’s not leaving 😔
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I don’t hate any of the villagers, but on my island, I find Leopold to be the most boring one. (Maybe it’s the design? Or just smug villagers in general?) Sometimes I want to let him move, but I get too sad whenever he acts like he wants to leave lol.
RIZZO. I'm not even sure where my eternal hatred for him even started; but I've always thought he was ugly. AND MEAN. I cannot stand him. I used to hit him with a net constantly in New Leaf. He has yet to cross me in New Horizons. I think he knows better.
I don't hate any villagers in general, but there's one I’m not fond of, and that’s Pietro. I’m just not a fan of clowns, and he just creeps me out a bit.
I wouldn't call it hate but I really dislike Klaus for randomly moving into my New Leaf island in the middle of the path.
I don't think the mouse creatures are very creative. My New Leaf town had too many of them.

Specifically 'Limberg' and 'Moose'.
I found O'Hare insufferable when he was on my island in NH. I couldn't get rid of him quick enough LOL

If there is one that I really cannot STAND, it is Wart Jr. Absolutely horrible design, when I was younger and my cousins and I all had Animal Crossing: Wild World on our DSes, I remember we had all encountered him at some point, I think he was in one of my cousins' towns, and we had some stories about some dialogue we thought he had said (something about a skull.. and something about bogies LOL) and we all found him disgusting 😂
I really dislike Hippeux. He makes me unhappy when I look at him.

I do not care for that garrish color he is or his design in general. If he was a less of a sickly color, he would not be so offensive. Certain shades I just cannot tolerate. It hurts my eyes and goes against my personal aesthetic. Fluorescent colors in particular I tend to not be able to stand. That neon dayglo yellow is one of my least favorite shades, though I do despise lime and neon green as well.

He was an unwelcome resident in my NL town. I was so thankful when he moved.
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