Who are your most disliked villager in the game?

Mine has to be Samson, because he appeared in my WW town, and I couldn't get rid of him for the longest time. And then again in NH he kept showing up on my island tours when I was looking for new townies... His design is so boring too, at least a couple of the other mice are ok to look at he's just so blech.

I have a love-hate with Fuschia because she was in my NL town for a while and really inconveniently placed (didn't know you could reset for house placement), and again as a starter in my NH... TWICE. But she has grown on me, one of her letters was her talking about her embarrassing childhood punk aesthetic and it had me a little 🥺. But I hate the hot pink and yellow on and off.
rasher kept showing up in my gamecube town and terrified me as a child lol. im sure hes just like any other villager now, but he was really mean then. so was sue e :c nobody talked trash to me like she did

i dont have anything against the other pigs haha just these two
Greta was my most hated villager in NL, but she's never threatened my island in NH.

I guess my most hated villager in NH would be either Deirdre or Sprinkle. Deirdre is an uggo and Sprinkle was annoying

His sneer bugged me in NL though I never had him as a villager. Coupled w/ the horrible dialogue when I first talked to him in NH makes him top of my list. He was my mandatory smug in NH, what are the odds lol.
All he talked abt was his blog & how to reach a producer for his Hollywood movies on that first day. Made me think of those obnoxious 'influencers' with low number of followers who want free hotel stays in exchange for a brief mention in their social media.

I put his house far away from mine, yet when I'd log in, there he would be, lurking behind my house most days. Just standing there. It just creeps me out.

There was never any doubt he'd be leaving the island lol.
the first villager that comes to mind is Phil - he was my forced campsite villager at the beginning of my first island and absolutely REFUSED to leave. i think what made it sting worse was i was a couple days behind my friend since i got a new switch early on, and she got Phil as her forced camper and i was making fun of her for that. karma really got me there...
I honestly like most of the villagers in the game, even those I do not love, I can generally warm up to. I have dozens of favorites.

However there are a handful I heartily dislike. I hope this does not offend anyone,

in somewhat particular order:

1. Colton - his design is one I just find both totally unappealing and mildly repulsive.
2. Diana - looks like someone bleached a more interesting and colorful villagers. Her whole appearance screams bland and colorless.
3. Whitney/ Fang - the exact same design on my two least favorite personalities. It probably is unfair to some extent but I find them very overrated. I don’t like the colorlessness passed off as ‘elegant’ design in general - it is so boring to me. it gives me country club/ people who create grayscale nurseries vibes.
4. Kid Cat/ Agent S/ Rocket - I do not like the superhero themed villagers at all. I tend in general to not like villagers who are wearing permanent headgear (with the exception of stinky) and I find the superhero outfit totally unappealing. For some reason I do not feel as strong of dislike for Big Top, possible just because I have had the least exposure to him.
5. Jacques - hate his soul patch (in general dislike the animals with facial hair, especially the little soul patch style goatee). Arguably he fits the worst aspect of the smug villagers - he seems like a huge poser. To me he reminds me of all those guys in college that have decided to be wine/ coffee/ music/ film connoisseurs and can’t wait to educate you on why your tastes are wrong. Also seems like the type who wants to ‘play devil’s advocate’ and make you debate whether women actually deserve rights andwhether racism is bad.
6. Gayle/Merengue - find their overdone cutiepie designs to be bit sickening.
7. Chèvre, while I understand why people find her cute, her face reminds me of something specific that I won’t name to try and not ruin her for anyone, but I can’t get past it, and it unsettles me.

In general I also tend to dislike the wolves as a species in general. They are so spiky and their heads look like they shouldn’t be attached to their bodies. Why do their tails look like maces?

There are others where I may not like them much, but don’t actively dislike them. I hope i have not upset anyone, I generally avoid being too negative, but wanted to share.

Side note @VexTheHex you may already know, but even though I really like freckles you are not wrong about her. Her Japanese name is Maguro, which is tuna. So all her fishy attributes are very intentional and not imagined. And I have no idea why she is a duck that is a fish.
the first villager that comes to mind is Phil - he was my forced campsite villager at the beginning of my first island and absolutely REFUSED to leave. i think what made it sting worse was i was a couple days behind my friend since i got a new switch early on, and she got Phil as her forced camper and i was making fun of her for that. karma really got me there...
*Sad Phil noises*
sheldon <3
because he is yellow and bad. he is stinky like a cheese. ewew ew get away from me rat man (he is a squirrel not a rat i am just saying rat as an insult)
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Most of the mice. I don't know why they're so off-putting to me when I think mice are pretty cute in real life.
Naomi is so ugly, and it took her forever to get out of my town, so I especially dislike her for that. Tabby is also hideous, especially in-game when she's animated and moving those awful teeth as she talks. And Coco's empty eyes and unchanging expression are unnerving to me.
Astrid I cannot stand and I have no rational reason, I think I'm just sick of seeing her every single time I decide to go island hopping.
i haven’t had him in new horizons, but i dislike al immensely lol. he took forever to move out after his house crushed a bunch of my hybrids in new leaf, but honestly i just can’t stand his design. i’m not fond of the gorilla villagers in general except for rilla, but something about him is just extra 🤮. he was actually the first lazy villager that i ran into last year when i was island hopping for my first 3 villagers, which was both ironic and insulting LOL.

in terms of villagers that i have had in new horizons, my most disliked villagers by far have to be henry and shep. i’m not really sure why tbh as there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them, their design or their house, i just didn’t enjoy having them. it might be because they’re smug my least favourite personality, because they took forever to move out or because henry randomly moved in from someone’s void. they’re good villagers, but i was definitely pretty happy when they left. 😅

though, i’m actually planning on starting to move in villagers that i dislike one day to give them a chance. i have a tendency to dislike villagers due to their appearance alone, so i’m interested in inviting those villagers in to see what they’re like beyond what they look like. this includes al even though my dislike for him isn’t based on just his appearance, but it’s definitely gonna take a while to warm up to the idea of having him on my island aha.
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