Who are your most disliked villager in the game?

I really really can't stand Truffles. She's my number one villain that I kick out right away if she shows up on my islands. Runner up is a tie between Hippeaux, Naomi, and Charlise.
Truffles appeared in my campsite once and I just noped right back out the tent again without speaking to her haha
I hate Dobie the Cranky Wolf. He has the worst home interior and his words when I talked to him back when I was making my old island said "LIsten nobody is telling you to decorate the entire island" which angered me because that motivated me to make my island so much more better. A crank like him would never understand what it means with hard work and dedication.
Truffles is a literal demon and you can’t convince me otherwise. She was a nightmare in my Wild World town from 2006-2008 and I’ve never forgiven her for it!! Thankfully she never showed up in my City Folk or New Leaf town, and I’ve only seen her once while island hopping in New Horizons. I think she learned to avoid me tbh!

I also hate:
Al, for looking like John Travolta
Actually pretty much all the gorillas. Boone, Violet, Hans, and Peewee are okay I guess but I would never want them on my island
Moose is an absolute creep.
I’m tired of hearing about Raymond, and he also reminds me of a typical frat bro from my college years and I don’t like that! Ditto Mott for this.
Harry and Hippeux are a blight to hippo-kind.
Elise for looking like the School Librarian From The Black Lagoon

and no real reason for these, but It should be noted that I don’t like puke green villagers or villagers with facial hair:
Gruff, Jitters, Gigi, Charlize, Beardo, Candi, Anicotti, Leopold, Lionel, Tutu, Clyde, Jacob, Lucha, Stinky, every hamster besides Hamlet, Astrid, Sylvia, Kitt, Quillson, Iggly, Prince, Monique, Olaf, Broffina (honestly her name makes me angry lol), Chops.

species wise I dislike most of the gorillas, lions, anteaters, kangaroos, bears, hamsters, and bulls but I only mentioned the ones that really offend me.
Vic is one of my most disliked villagers in NH, I'm not keen on his design and he's constantly turning up when I'm island hopping for other villagers, so far he's the only villager who has turned up on every villager hunting excursion I've been on (usually more then once too) and I'm tired of wasting my NMTs on just seeing him.

Boone is another one I really dislike, I don't particularly like the gorillas anyway but I prefer most of the designs of the others compared to him. Also we share the same birthday which is a pretty petty reason to dislike him but there are so many other villagers I would've liked to share a birthday with and he always turns up in each AC game I play, just can't seem to escape him.

Truffles is a literal demon and you can’t convince me otherwise. She was a nightmare in my Wild World town from 2006-2008 and I’ve never forgiven her for it!! Thankfully she never showed up in my City Folk or New Leaf town, and I’ve only seen her once while island hopping in New Horizons. I think she learned to avoid me tbh!

We've suffered the same problem here in WW, Truffles moved into my town and replaced my beloved Peanut and then never moved out. I wasn't willing to reset my town and let her win so I just had to suffer her. Fortunately I've not come across her since but she was my original most disliked villager and still holds that spot.

A few others I dislike mainly due to their colour schemes (Al, Hippeux, Clyde) or because of some part of their designs (Harry's, Moose's and Beardo's facial hair, Peck's pure white eyes, Paolo's tiny eyes that seem to far ahead and the redness around Naomi's eyes which make her look slightly demonic to me)
It's funny, I've always been a proponent for giving every villager a chance and not basing opinions on them on looks alone ... Having said that [!!], I don't have a particular fondness for the more - shall we say - creatively-designed villagers !! Like, who does Chai think she is, Lady Gaga? Merengue? She's meant to be a rhino, not a flan ...

On the opposite end of the scale, I'm not a fan on the bland characters either, like Goldie ... One of my favourite villagers is Rasher. On the surface, he's a pretty generic pig character, but his colouring is vivid and the scar suggests he has stories to tell. If he was a real person, I'd be intrigued by him !!
Beardo. I literally CANNOT get him to leave my town. Honestly he's comically ugly. I haven't talked to him in months yet he seems content and does not seem to want to leave/
Beardo. I literally CANNOT get him to leave my town. Honestly he's comically ugly. I haven't talked to him in months yet he seems content and does not seem to want to leave/
Beardo creeped me out when I accidentally invited him to live on my island a few months ago, he took ages to leave but like you I was overjoyed when he finally moved out. 😂
For me it's Anabelle the anteater. I remember she lived in my ACNL town and refuses to leave for months. Her yellow, orange & "barney" purple was a terrible colour combo for my eyes. Plus I remember she asked to leave once and then was like JK I'm staying! I didn't know at the time that you could turn off your console to fix this. Plus you can see a scale design along her head & back but anteaters are hairy not scaly? Blasphemy.
Nine On The Wall Of Shame
Tiny Chevre Photo.png
Tiny Clyde Photo.png
Tiny Sylvia Photo.png
Tiny Peaches Photo.png
Tiny Monique Photo.png

Tiny Moose Photo.png
Tiny Hamphrey Photo.png
Tiny Marcie Photo.png
Tiny Freckles Photo.png

Marcie is a abomination. I have posted all across the boards with my general dislike for villagers who lack noses. But none of them even hold a candle to this HUGE snouted villager not having a nose as it just emphasizes what she lacks. Her eyes are also creepy and her hairdo is bad. The Joey is also already a loss cause as it's her horrendous clone and already is all dolled up like some tacky selfie filter.

Sylvia looks like she is already upset and wants to speak to your manager while sporting a horrendous hairdo that's color clashes so hard with her purple fur. To make it worse, her Joey also wants your manager.

Monique looks like she has worked the street corner (for quite some time) and now has retired to a gambling hall's corridors trying to win over some drunks with good luck going for them as she spokes nonstop.

Hamphrey's ski mask look just makes him look like a burglar, and I simply don't like or approve of that.

Chevre's mouth disturbs me. Something about how it's at the very bottom of her face so that she looks like her chin is splitting open when she talks just weirds me out.

Clyde and Peaches could be inoffensive if it wasn't for their random eyes that makes little to no sense. But on that note, the rest of their design is very simple and one note. So maybe having creepy and random eyes was their only shot at fame.

Moose's forever raised brow could of been his defining feature but instead they decided to throw in some weirdly drawn rusty orange hair to just really push the envelope.

Freckles lives a strange existence after her eyes went through a rough divorce and the two stay as far away from each other as they can. Her raw fish color and flopped on hairdo don't do her any favors either.

Special Mention
tiny Rocket Photo.png

Rocket was my starter Sisterly villager. I don't think I can bring myself to hate anyone who I experienced on my island, but I can surely say she tested the water with me. She wasn't my aesthetic. She seemed to not get along with my other villagers. I wasn't use to how quickly annoyed Sisterly villagers get with repeated talks with them, especially compared to Biff (starter Jock) always being nice. I found her staring into my window one late night like some serial killer from a horror movie. I tried to be nice to her at times and it usually failed making me dislike her more with her responses or gifts back to me. And she took FOREVER to leave for how much I wanted rid of her. She just wouldn't get the bubbles and outlasted Hornsby, Biff, and Mallary. She even trolled me with a thought bubble (which I was sure was it) to give me some ugly clothes near Henry's home, proceed to be inside Henry's home on the next load up, and then she is walking around Henry who now has the bubble to ask to leave! It just felt like she was chosen that day but went and threatened Henry and forced him to take it.

She was a memorable part of my introduction to the series, so I can't say I fully hate her. But she certainly was the most frustrating of my villagers and got a spot on my list just cause of how villainous she was on my island.
Lucha was my forced campsite villager. The only villager I've ever disliked in NH.

The jocks are already my least favorite personality. I hate sports. But at least if they look sporty, it fits. I couldn't stand looking at Lucha's sporty mask and sporty house, which of course was the first one on the island that wasn't like, block furniture.

I get it, it's "clever" cuz the smugs talk about acting and wrestling is basically all acting.

Doesn't help. He's currently the only villager I've had this game that I don't have a picture of.

Honorable mentions go to Buzz, my arch-nemesis from the GC era. He committed the most heinous of crimes and cannot be forgiven.

Chow was in my WW town and he legit hated me, so the feeling was mutual. Honestly, I've seen his updated model for NH and he's not AS horrendous.

Finally, Queenie. Another one that wronged me one too many times, this time in CF.

I also tend not to like villagers that everyone else likes, it puts a bad taste in my mouth for some reason. But that's not a hatred for them. I do however enjoy immensely when it's time to let them go and I just know... Someone somewhere is crying because I let Coco go and didn't trade her or anything 😁
Truffles, Naomi, and Beardo are right up there with the worst villagers. I hate running into them while island hunting. Clay also has one of my least favorite designs out of everyone. Other than that, Freckles and Chevre are both off putting to me.
Flurry is probably my least favorite. One of my pet peeves about Animal Crossing villager designs is when they go about a minimalist approach and don't give some of the animals noses. I'm able to look past this for some real standouts like Ankha and some others because of how much I like certain villagers' designs otherwise, but generally a lack of a nose in an attempt to be more cutesy just bugs me. In Flurry's case, she has that peachy, fleshy muzzle that stands out from her white fur and really emphasizes her lack of nose. Can't stand it.

Chelsea is a close second. It looks like they tried too hard to make her look cutsey and, in my opinion at least, failed.

Third I'll say Zucker. I tend to like more unique designs, but Zucker just doesn't do it for me. I understand that he's based on takoyaki, but he frankly just doesn't look good to me. His eyes are just little black dots and it kind of bugs me that his main body is red despite his head being a beige sort of color.

Canberra gets a mention too since she showed up unwanted in one of my New Leaf towns and took forever to leave. She also showed up in my best friend's town and did the same thing. Don't think it was even the same one either, just bad luck.

For me it's Anabelle the anteater. I remember she lived in my ACNL town and refuses to leave for months. Her yellow, orange & "barney" purple was a terrible colour combo for my eyes. Plus I remember she asked to leave once and then was like JK I'm staying! I didn't know at the time that you could turn off your console to fix this. Plus you can see a scale design along her head & back but anteaters are hairy not scaly? Blasphemy.
She's not supposed to actually be an anteater though, she's based on a pangolin. The Pokémon Sandshrew and Sandslash are partially based off of pangolins as well. It's an instance of not all of the villagers in a species actually being that species; for example, Flora being a flamingo and Julia having a peacock coloration despite being part of the Animal Crossing Ostrich species. I personally like her for that, but everyone's got their own tastes.
Nine On The Wall Of Shame
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Marcie is a abomination. I have posted all across the boards with my general dislike for villagers who lack noses. But none of them even hold a candle to this HUGE snouted villager not having a nose as it just emphasizes what she lacks. Her eyes are also creepy and her hairdo is bad. The Joey is also already a loss cause as it's her horrendous clone and already is all dolled up like some tacky selfie filter.

Sylvia looks like she is already upset and wants to speak to your manager while sporting a horrendous hairdo that's color clashes so hard with her purple fur. To make it worse, her Joey also wants your manager.

Monique looks like she has worked the street corner (for quite some time) and now has retired to a gambling hall's corridors trying to win over some drunks with good luck going for them as she spokes nonstop.

Hamphrey's ski mask look just makes him look like a burglar, and I simply don't like or approve of that.

Chevre's mouth disturbs me. Something about how it's at the very bottom of her face so that she looks like her chin is splitting open when she talks just weirds me out.

Clyde and Peaches could be inoffensive if it wasn't for their random eyes that makes little to no sense. But on that note, the rest of their design is very simple and one note. So maybe having creepy and random eyes was their only shot at fame.

Moose's forever raised brow could of been his defining feature but instead they decided to throw in some weirdly drawn rusty orange hair to just really push the envelope.

Freckles lives a strange existence after her eyes went through a rough divorce and the two stay as far away from each other as they can. Her raw fish color and flopped on hairdo don't do her any favors either.

Special Mention
View attachment 398905

Rocket was my starter Sisterly villager. I don't think I can bring myself to hate anyone who I experienced on my island, but I can surely say she tested the water with me. She wasn't my aesthetic. She seemed to not get along with my other villagers. I wasn't use to how quickly annoyed Sisterly villagers get with repeated talks with them, especially compared to Biff (starter Jock) always being nice. I found her staring into my window one late night like some serial killer from a horror movie. I tried to be nice to her at times and it usually failed making me dislike her more with her responses or gifts back to me. And she took FOREVER to leave for how much I wanted rid of her. She just wouldn't get the bubbles and outlasted Hornsby, Biff, and Mallary. She even trolled me with a thought bubble (which I was sure was it) to give me some ugly clothes near Henry's home, proceed to be inside Henry's home on the next load up, and then she is walking around Henry who now has the bubble to ask to leave! It just felt like she was chosen that day but went and threatened Henry and forced him to take it.

She was a memorable part of my introduction to the series, so I can't say I fully hate her. But she certainly was the most frustrating of my villagers and got a spot on my list just cause of how villainous she was on my island.
Hahaha nice and I feel you on Marcie, mostly because she's currently annoying the crap out of me by not giving me her stupid pic so I can send her packing. I have been trying for months now to get that damn pic, with an endless stream of expensive wrapped gifts, which I HATE giving to her big pink ass. Her stupid pink house is ruining the city vibe I changed my island to. I hate it and I hate her. Stupid noseless pink pudding she is.

Flurry is probably my least favorite. One of my pet peeves about Animal Crossing villager designs is when they go about a minimalist approach and don't give some of the animals noses. I'm able to look past this for some real standouts like Ankha and some others because of how much I like certain villagers' designs otherwise, but generally a lack of a nose in an attempt to be more cutesy just bugs me. In Flurry's case, she has that peachy, fleshy muzzle that stands out from her white fur and really emphasizes her lack of nose. Can't stand it.

Hahaha nice and I feel you on Marcie, mostly because she's currently annoying the crap out of me by not giving me her stupid pic so I can send her packing. I have been trying for months now to get that damn pic, with an endless stream of expensive wrapped gifts, which I HATE giving to her big pink ass. Her stupid pink house is ruining the city vibe I changed my island to. I hate it and I hate her. Stupid noseless pink pudding she is.
Have you tried giving her wrapped stacks of non native fruits or pumpkins. That’s how I get all my villagers photos.
Here is my story of how Clyde came to be the most hated villager in AC

The day is June 9, 2013. I finally got my hands on the U.S. copy of New Leaf.
I go through restarting the game, again, and again, until I see the perfect map. It had the perfect spot that I would build my café someday.

Some days go by, and then it happened.... Clyde moved to town. He's not a villager I'd want in my town any day, but this guy above all else, placed his house in the exact location I wanted my café.

I beat him with a net, and pushed him constantly for up to and over a month just hoping he'd move out. During this time, I had already unlocked the café. Since you cannot move buildings, I was stuck in endless waiting for Clyde to move out just so I could have a Café in my town.

This made life a nightmare in New Leaf in the beginning. I was not a TTer, so I had to play the long game.

Clyde is now forever my official archenemy in Animal Crossing.

Truffles is a literal demon and you can’t convince me otherwise. She was a nightmare in my Wild World town from 2006-2008 and I’ve never forgiven her for it!! Thankfully she never showed up in my City Folk or New Leaf town, and I’ve only seen her once while island hopping in New Horizons. I think she learned to avoid me tbh!

Truffles was my town's first Peppy in New Horizons. She really made me dislike the Peppy personality for a while.
Yes :( She's got piles of coconuts coming out of her pink ears. I think she's broken haha
That stinks it took me forever to get Canberra’s photo. Hopefully Marcie stops bring stubborn soon and gives you her photo.
She's not supposed to actually be an anteater though, she's based on a pangolin. The Pokémon Sandshrew and Sandslash are partially based off of pangolins as well. It's an instance of not all of the villagers in a species actually being that species; for example, Flora being a flamingo and Julia having a peacock coloration despite being part of the Animal Crossing Ostrich species. I personally like her for that, but everyone's got their own tastes.
Well that makes a lot more sense, I was always confused about her design. I should have suspected she might be a different species.
For me it’s Flo and Friga. It’s like I’m looking at the same penguin. I can’t even distinguish who’s who unless I’m looking at a guide. I know they don’t particularly look the same, but to me they do. They have been following me around town to town since new leaf. Every time I reset , one of them (or worst, both of them) make an appearance. They are also soooo hard to get rid of.